[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210708/1d154863c43596c2f31ec74a4e1263a1.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/KXHSBz2.png[/img][/center] [color=CC3366][b]Time:[/b][/color] Morning [color=CC3366][b]Location:[/b][/color] The Sapphire Oasis, Myriamor [color=CC3366][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] Uzul [@dragonpiece] [color=CC3366][b]Mentions:[/b][/color] [color=CC3366][b]Equipment:[/b][/color] [hider]Bag of essentials Rope Katana Wakizashi 10 kunai Several pieces of jewelry to sell Pouch with 1030 amas Bread Water Cheese Letter Transmission bracelet[/hider] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/WNOeSeM.png[/img][/center] Mika had been sitting there, looking rather defeated when she noticed someone else approaching her now. Her initial reaction was alarm as it was a very tall orc, but then she realized he may be able to help her and was filled with hope. She sat up a bit straighter as he sat down near her and she listened to him introduce himself, apologize for eavesdropping, but one of the last things he said is what caught her attention the most. A look of joy crossed over her face as she finally felt like things were about to turn around. [color=CC3366]”Bless you for eavesdropping, Uzul. Oh I could kiss you right now!”[/color] She said excitedly, but then realized how she may have sounded. [color=CC3366]”Forgive me, things have just been going poorly lately and just the fact that you’ve said you COULD get me to Dugmahord has made my day. You see I’m-”[/color] She was about to introduce herself, but quickly stopped as she realized perhaps that wasn’t the best plan. She glanced around briefly to see if there were any other listening ears. It seemed like they were the only two in there at the moment, but still best to proceed with some caution. [color=CC3366]”Again please forgive me, but I have to be cautious about what I say due to listening ears.”[/color] She said a bit more quietly, trying to decide on how to proceed with the conversation. [color=CC3366]”Due to…recent events in this world and the…death of some important people, one of which I was close to, I need to speak with the Grand Chieftain of Dugmahord. I’m hoping to become an acquaintance of his and see if he can help me get my home back.”[/color] She tried to to explain in a way that wouldn’t be completely obvious to someone passively listening, but hopefully would still get her point across to this man. [color=CC3366]”Oh and my name is Mika, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”[/color] She gave him a kind smile, using the shortened version of her name so as to not be as obvious as to who she was.