[quote=@James Davy] "Sure thing," Donald replied, "Lead the way, everyone." He was not familiar with the layout of Jefferson City and was willing to follow those who were. The tournament he wanted to attend was an afterthought now that a member of his family he just met was in mortal peril. [/quote] Sandy and Anistar led the way to the halfway point between where they were and where Jeremy was currently at battling the leader of Team Magma. Once there... Sandy: *Standing in position* From where we are now... The Park isn't far away from here. Just a couple or so blocks. Anistar: What we need is something to keep us busy to take our minds off of the worry we have for Jeremy. We are concerned about him. But we can't just stand here freaking out. It won't do him any good nor will it do us any good either. We need to think about something else. Sandy: Like? Anistar: Maybe finding out a bit about where the new guy here comes from. Find out everything about him that we'll like to be aware of. Sandy: Good idea. Besides from how the battle must be going... we've got plenty of time. At least that was the intent... The battle was getting brutal... What was the deal behind their new friend Donald? Was he really from a side within Jeremy's family? Or was there something more than what met the eye? How did he know about Jeremy and how much did he know about the Rising Star? Was there a secret affair that happened that conjured up the idea that Jeremy and Donald were related? Was Jeremy prone to holding out in the match? Who was to know?