[b]R/W/O[/b] "Do we tell her?" said Red immediately. "I want to tell her." "You want to tell everyone everything," said White. "But she'd totally think it was awesome!" "I would like to remind you that as cool as the operational aesthetics are, this is still an operation." "Fine," said Red, looking over at Muffi. "Look. All I can say that this is a personal matter that's intimately important to me, and if I pull it off then I will provide you with an [i]amazing[/i] video." White and Orange both nod seriously, then return to their work. No corners are to be cut, even now. November goes about the cleaning and maintenance of this house with the same precision she'd give to the maintenance of a space station. And why not? This house is literally part of a space station. [i]Her[/i] space station. "It's interesting that this is out of character for us," said Orange, still within earshot of Muffi. "We've established a character that successfully?" "Humans project," said White flatly. "I disagree, it's a sign we have consistent emergent traits that render us more than a collection of individuals, and they can identify that." "Human pattern recognition finds the shapes of animals in groupings of stars," said White. "Them applying it to us should not be taken as anything more than projection." "Well, let's see!" said Orange, turning around to face Muffi properly. "Muffi, what would you say our character is?" [b]Y/B/G[/b] It's hard to identify Yellow's deal, exactly. The other Waifubots live their archetypes to the hilt - even now, Blue is sitting with her head down and a paralyzing blush on her face, and Green has headphones in, hoodie raised, and fingers going at ten billion words per second into her laptop. But Yellow? Golden hair, golden eyes, kind smile, gentle demeanor... "I've been thinking. We should get fake married." ... Incomprehensible thought processes. "Look, from everything you've told me, it makes sense as the easiest resolution to all your issues, right? A way to shut down everyone who reached out to you without needing to even talk to them further. We'd save a bunch on rent and it would be [i]incredible[/i] ammunition for my coming throwdown with my dad." This is coming after her having told you everything about her investigation so far - Red's death and resurrection, the plot against Singh, Merkin, the works. That's some heavy shit to process, but right now Yellow's just keen on exploring this idea. "Plus I'm [i]insanely[/i] good in bed," added Yellow, with a wink. "Depending on how fake you wanna make it." [b]B/B/P[/b] November's autonomous personality protocols aren't perfect - they're bundles of anime cliches that can improvise. Most people November interacts with get assigned a variable Main Character identity that form the basis of her interactions with them: 3V is a Sports Protagonist, for example, and so November's personalities express themselves in terms of rivals, friends, kohais, etc. But what the fuck is her poor chinese cartoon algorithm to make of [i]Fucking_Skelator[/i]? Hot blooded protagonist? Crime lord? Hentai monster? "Oh, [i]Fucking_Skelator[/i]," she glitches, overheating socialization matrix trying to combine all three. "You can trust me, I will do whatever it takes. I won't let you take my friend without taking me first, you pervert, so what's this going to cost me?" [Charm: 3 on the dice is fairly unsalvageable]