"Me, Gan and Romeo are in danger! We need backup right now! I repeat! We are in dange- Oh! Forget it!" Rose said in frustration. she been trying to get in contact with anyone on her radio, but like before, no one is responding! There is where her end is! she jinx the mission and now, her and her team are doom!....She should have stay home. Where she should have know there place in her family. Marry a guy she doesn't met, have kids, do nothing but look like a prize....But at the same time, it was kind of worth it to slap the guy in the face and telling her own father off. While Rose was contemplating, she starting to hear some static from her radio. Great, is her radio broken now? Before she try to fix it, she then hear something beside some static, It was voices, human voices! It was Gin and Romeo voice! Yes! Her radio finally picking up something! In a hurry motion, Rose try to connect to Gin and Romeo, and after a while, it work! [table][row][/row][row][cell][/cell][cell][right][code]"Gin?! Romeo?! Thank god for my radio connecting to you guys, can't said the same for the other team. Now, do you guys have a plan? Or are we just sitting ducks around here?"[/code] [color=2e2c2c]___________________________________________________________________________[/color][/right][/cell][cell][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/617914243760783381/907860288181764167/mowgli_staticky_awkward.gif[/img] [color=2e2c2c]________________________[/color][/cell][/row][/table][hr]