[hider=Torm Draufkrieg][b]Name[/b]: Torm Draufkrieg [b]Titles[/b]: Archduke of Arbormark, Duke of Kademaer, Wolfwarden, former Grandmarshal to the Mad King. [b]Description[/b]: Torm cuts a fine martial figure, with a robust width of shoulder, strong arms and a commanding, chiseled face. His hair and the look in his eyes give him a wolfish appearance, but there's a nobleness to his blue orbs that belies a sense of duty. When he speaks, people feel compelled to listen, whether they be friend or foe. Archduke Draufkrieg is moderately tall (6'1), large enough to be fearsome on the battlefield and carry his arms and armor on foot and horseback effectively. His hands are noticeably powerful and marred, and his hair is a rich brown, like autumn leaves in the sunlight and akin to shadowed tree bark when indoors. Torm's complexion is ruddy but fair, with a permanent 5 o'clock shadow shading his chin and upper lip. [b]Claimant[/b]: He calls for Sharles to be crowned, but he'll openly state he understands the opposing point of view. [b]House Info[/b]: [center][h2]Draufkrieg[/h2][/center] [center][img]https://media.istockphoto.com/vectors/black-heraldic-emblem-vector-with-wolf-royal-crown-and-sword-vector-id1282285937?k=20&m=1282285937&s=170667a&w=0&h=5JV_-YahNHKVK0a35g6giviXGrOCaYzJ6BcU3fRk3D4=[/img][/center] [b]Reputation[/b]: Honorable, stubborn as a rock, and dangerous in combat. They think him unable to play the political game himself, but he's a powerful tool to use or abuse. [b]Ambitions[/b]: Torm's ambition is to become the Grand Marshall of the crown, to serve a strong king that dispenses with the squabbling of the petty nobles. If that is not accomplished, he wishes to renounce his leadership and take up errantry as various knights do, though his duty to his people keeps him stuck to his chair. [b]Aptitudes[/b]: [b]Skilled Combatant/Warleader[/b]: Torm has been raised under a military tradition, training with his father's knights and then their master-at-arms. He learned administrative duties, courtly ettiquate, but always at a backseat to his martial and strategic skills. [b]Handsome:[/b] He's not the best nor worst at a game of charm, but his muscled shape and wintry eyes certainly don't hurt in negotiations. [b]Commanding Presence[/b]: He's not a diplomat nor an orator, and he will not be winning any competitions of debate in a house of philosophy. But he is a commander of men and a capable Archduke to his people. Torm can raise morale and lead soldiers with the best of them. [b]Vulnerabilities[/b]: His father died of disease, with the express wish to make their house the next in line for the throne, something Torm does not wish for but grapples with his duty to his father and the throne. His old back injury is a vulnerability if left unchecked. If he doesn't stretch in the morning, he slows and potentially can hurt himself. Finally, his moral code can also be a vulnerability, though he would consider it a strength. Additional Info: [hr] [center][h2]Arbormark[/h2][/center] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/327fd261-3d1a-4697-9255-d3be299b933d/d95y2j4-d0f14ddd-5440-4e37-9c74-64707a31c3f8.jpg/v1/fill/w_1024,h_717,q_75,strp/highlands_castle__by_k_kom_d95y2j4-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NzE3IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMzI3ZmQyNjEtM2QxYS00Njk3LTkyNTUtZDNiZTI5OWI5MzNkXC9kOTV5Mmo0LWQwZjE0ZGRkLTU0NDAtNGUzNy05Yzc0LTY0NzA3YTMxYzNmOC5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTAyNCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.5kefH3i3Bt2x-gKWNc3ziqPKeNSAyUX8sNxeEufcQUI[/img] [b]Domain Summary[/b]: Second in size only to Westmarch, Arbormark is a land fueled by disparity and contrast. The majority of its land and people are used for farming and animal husbandry, fueled by its various creeks, irrigation systems, and regular rainfall. Were one to visit the western and southern portions, they would think it a land of trade, where the merchant rules and drives the lifeblood at the very heart of the duchy. These are known as the Weisenlands, running from the Drakkenrhyd between Arbormark and the Stormlands to the west, all the way to the Archgates. However, this is merely half of the picture. North of the Archgates and just south of Frostmark is Kademaer where the Archduke and his line resides. Nestled among the foothills of the Great Bastion Mountains, it is surrounded by the Heulenwald, a forest fraught with peril and reputedly populated by larger beasts and ancient ghosts. Soldiers are trained and outfitted here with iron from the bosom of the mountains. Above the mountainous forestlands are the Fords of Swords, where countless battles have been fought over land across the generations. It is said you can reach into the swift streams and still pluck up swords from old battles. Major Holdings: Castle Torvus: A desecrated ruin, Castle Torvus sits along the midwestern river. Once a bastion for the Holtenberg family, fifty years previously they rose in rebellion and were beseiged. The castle was rent asunder, but its foundations remain. Now it is a skulking ruin where few dare travel, kept unmade as a warning for rebels. Saxumkeep: The hammer to Eisentown's anvil, Saxumkeep is where the Archguards that man the famous Archgates make their home. Mordarx: The seat of Draufkrieg power, Mordarx is a fortress of black stone Harvesthome: A veritable city, Harvesthome still tries to remain close to its hamlet roots. The very center of produce, it's a spread out settlement filled with offices, granaries and trading hubs. Weisental: The keep at Harvesthole, housing a contingent of 1,200 Knights and twice as many Men-At-Arms. Blackmire: A marsh south of the Heulenwald, filled with the Arbormarkian Armoredserpent. Reichstadt: The largest city in Arbormark. Some call it the jewel of the south. The ruling family has been petitioned for years to make it their capital, and they did move there once four generations ago, before border disputes had them relocate back to Mordarx. A member of the family generally resides here in a ceremonial Castle of Arnkastell. Reichstadt is the center of all trade. Arnkastell: The castle of Draufkrieg in Reichstadt. Lotherfel: The northernmost settlement, amid the bosom of the Bastion Mountains, guarded by easily defended moors. Wohlborough: Southern town important for its wool. Gildenwen: Southern town important for its wheat and barley. Caraswyldhen: Closest town to the Heulenwald. Storytellers, adventurers, and hard limbed lumberjacks dwell here. The Church of the Sepulchre: The Sepulchre of Saint Gideon, located between the Archgates and Harvesthome. A holy site for all Knights. The Dualcathedral: The largest church in Arbormark, located in Reichstadt. [b]Reputation[/b]: Verdant farmlands, excellent knights, and tough, independent mountain fighters. Some say the salt in the mines have made the people dour. [b]Wealth[/b]: Very wealthy due to its farmlands and animal husbandry. Has some salt mines and a few veins of ore deposits. [b]Strength[/b]: Archguard: Made up of volunteers and men from Eisentown, the Archguards are an order sworn to protecting the Archates at any cost. Wardens of the Wolf: Special brethren of Knights, and at times the personal bodyguard of the Archduke. Arbormark Armsmen: Professional army of Arbormark, consisting of Men-At-Arms and Knights. Yeomen: Longbowmen formed from levies of the farmlands. [/hider]