[quote=@James Davy] "Ask away, ladies," Donald encouraged, "The Wizard of Silicon Valley has nothing to hide." He still kept an eye on his phone for when his Porygon-Z completed its task. "I understand your skepticism regarding my name being Donald Lightfoot," he continued, "Considering nearly 45,000 people in this country alone share the name John Smith and they're not all related to each other; but that's the name I've been given at birth. Besides, you can't believe everything the tabloid rags or Internet blogs print out." [/quote] Sandy was curious and it was only natural to be curious as they were not too sure if Donald was indeed related to Jeremy. Other than the fact of having the same exact last name. Anistar didn't know what to think and of course... she didn't want to deem Donald a imposter or a con. But with Team Magma on the uptick again and likely scouring nearby... they could not take the chance of not asking and getting some Intel on Donald. Find out what's what. Sandy: You said moments ago... back before Jeremy called out the leader of Team Magma for a 1x1 match... that Macie was both his and your mother. How do you know Jeremy? Are you blood related to the Rising Star's family? Anistar: It's not that we'd call your bluff and think you a liar. We are not saying that. We are just rather confused on what you meant by saying that you knew the Rising star in a way to call her... your mother and saying that towards Jeremy. Jeremy is battling against Team Magma's leader. But his full attention upon the match and battling might not be there as he's probably trying to figure on how you knew about him like you acclaim to do and how his mother could also be your mother. Anistar's Roserade came out and launched out a blast of Dazzling gleam and set the scene for where Donald could come fully clean about his ties to Jeremy and how he knew of Macie and why he'd have the guise of thinking that she was his mother as well as Jeremy's. What was Donald going to tell? What was his tell all? Was there a deep connection between Jeremy and Donald that Donald may have known and yet was privy to state out? What would Sandy think to tell Jeremy if the claims were true? And if they were... What would Jeremy's sisters Lisa and Nicole think? Someone better have some answers and soon...