A year ago at this time, Wolf gave me the best Christmas present ever when he dragged me from the most ferocious writer's block of my life. Now here we are, finding ourselves among a group of exceptional writers who're making a dream called China Doll into a living, breathing entity. Anyone who's written RPG before understands the holiday slowdown of the last 2 weeks in the year. Already busy schedules tip into overdrive, and the opportunities to just relax are positively gold. Thus, RPG plots tend to lag as some writers just don't have their usual desk time. Then, there are the others, the OCD's who want to fill those chilly nights with even more stories and character interactions. We know who we are. So, rather than seek out a 12 step meeting, Wolf and I thought to open up the OOC thread for an AU HOLIDAY! For the unfamiliar, AU= Alternate Universe. From now through Sunday, 1/2/22, all members are welcome to write AU Firefly tales here in OOC. These stories can involve your existing characters, or others you may wish to try on. Any time period is fine, so long as you're inside the Firefly 'verse. If you want to team up for 1x1 or small group RPG, go for it...with the understanding that we have a hard stop the night of 1/2. Except for those caveats, you're free to tell whatever stories you like! (I'll add that explicit content is best left in your Gdocs.) FF2V will continue without pause during this time...because Abby won't shut up. So have fun this holiday season! Feel free to enjoy the new channel, and here's wishing all the joys of the season to you and your loved ones. Happy Holidays, Wolf and Sail