[i]"Try to find any cars you can and crank the bass way up or rumble the engine or something. It's all I got. Oh - and if there's people in the cars we should probably get them, too. Run!"[/i] Dexter nodded wordlessly, twisted on his heel, and was gone as soon as Evelyn turned around. The idea that it had a tremorsense was unsubstantiated but as good of an idea as any. Dexter covered ground with ease compared to the rest- the smell of sewage and gasoline being a fart in the wind at his speed and simply moving around any obstacles as he came upon them. Was was a second to most people felt like ten to him, far more time to react accordingly. He skidded to a stop by Henry, who had taken a knee where he was. Thankfully the golem had let up and seemed disinterested in hurting people and far more inclined to damage structures more than a few dozen feet away at this point. The giant heaved, obviously catching his breath from exertion, but seemed relatively okay. "YougoodHenry?" [b]"Yeah. Yeah I'm alright."[/b] the reptile just about coughed out. [b]"Need something? You should run."[/b] "Alreadyon- On it." Dexter said, slowing himself down. "Evelyn thinks it might see through tremorsense." [b]"Like DnD?"[/b] "What?" [b]"Nevermind."[/b] "Just- what's the worst radio station you can think of?" Henry looked at Dexter strangely, trying to understand what the hell Dexter was getting at, but was distracted by the golem's screech and the sound of more breaking glass. Then the godawful sound of 104.9 came on, with their shrieky show host and their horrid guests. They were bad, but the music they played was flat. It didn't have punch to it most of the time, and they took far many commercial breaks. If this was Evelyn's idea the execution was terrible, which was probably to be expected- Evelyn probably only listened to the top 100 and probably thought that radio tuning was some sort of algebra. No- you had to have good taste to know where to find bad music. [b]"Dexter, tune every radio to AM radio. Station 96.7. We need something thumpy."[/b] Henry instructed, [b]"But keep the volume down. Go to the car settings if they have them and pump the bass up, and then try to turn them all up at around the same time."[/b] The boy nodded, and was a blur again. Henry groaned, because this was going to be a bad time for a lot of reasons. He shoved his hands into his pockets and pulled out his trusty earplugs, and roughly shoved them into his ear holes. At least he wasn't going to deafen himself in the process. He turned his attention to the vehicle that had been sent into the golem, which was crumpled at the front and with a smashed windshield... but still in one piece. It had long since lost interest in the scrap heap and turned its attention elsewhere to the local Subway, so Henry got to work. With a mighty swing, he dug his claws into the trunk of the car and pulled it backwards and closer to him. With his other enormous hand, his talons punched into the side wall, puncturing the doors and the floor of the vehicle as he flipped it over. Henry breathed a few times, and readying his body for more exertion, and then grabbed the vehicle by its front and rear axles. He heaved, and stifled a roar in exertion as he dead lifted the car high above his head. The position in which the car had hit the golem previously was too low to the ground, but basic physics told him that applying that amount of mass with about the same amount of speed at a higher point meant that the base, which was in this was was a brittle and inflexible substance, would experience significantly more torque the higher up on the golem's body that it impacted. While this thing was big, Henry could definitely impact the chest if he threw it right. Meanwhile, Dexter was racing through the street. Most of the vehicles had been abandoned at this point, and those that weren't had windows that were easily dealt with using a rock and some ludicrous acceleration. He tuned various cars to Henry's instructed frequency, adjusted the bass in the few vehicles he could figure it out on, and cranked the volume low. Dexter was no music whiz, but he knew what Henry was getting at. Bass was high energy, low frequency sound that one could [i]feel[/i] from a distance if it was powerful enough. He had been to enough concerts to know this first hand. With enough cars playing it at once, it would no doubt register on the Richter scale. He with his speed, Dexter had managed to cover enough ground to set up fourteen cars. He heard a roar and turned in time to see Henry [i]dead lift an SUV[/i], and figured that was as good of a signal as any. Dexter knelt down into a sprinters crouch, and bolted. He skidded to a halt fourteen times and returned to speed just as often, and by the time he came to a stop he could feel how hot his shoes were. And how much he needed to sit down. He heaved for air and managed to muster just enough to dash away from the vehicles and to the sidewalk to rest as the radio host began talking. It was obnoxiously loud since he had cranked the volume. [h3]"Hey guys, thanks for tuning into Garage radio. For our next track, I've remixed my own music for your listening pleasure. Here's [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Waqn0jBG58&ab_channel=spaaske]Machine Gun by Noisia, but with my own personal flare.[/url]"[/h3] Music began playing out of the vehicles. It was loud, but not nearly what Henry had suggested it would be. Unbeknownst to Dexter, Garage radio was a locally produced AM radio station that was [i]technically[/i] facilitated by the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. it changed what genre it played every three hours as it cycled hosts, and right now it was Dubstep with self described [i]DJ Driftwood[/i]. All at once the drop came, and if Dexter could hear his own thoughts over the cacophony, they would have been an eloquent [i]'oh.'[/i] Music exploded from the vehicles, with the cranked bass in each car it was nothing if not vibrating as the whole street was suddenly introduced to an unholy church of reverb in some sort of sacrilegious affront to music. Dexter covered his ears in pain. Henry roared. The car was [i]thrown[/i].