[hider=The Man Who Commands Spiders] [b]Name[/b]: Brock Robert Jameson [b]Known Aliases[/b]: "Spiders Man", The Grand Arachnid, Spider Insider [b]Age[/b]: 32 [b]Appearance[/b]: [hider=Standard] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/c5/24/cc/c524ccd9c000019917bbc1e5982c5426.jpg[/img] Under normal circumstances, Brock looks relatively mundane, albeit off in a sense that isn't immediately obvious. Black hair down to his neck, light skin, and pale blue eyes all add to a fairly tall frame that might be considered attractive, and at first glance he could be taken as a "muscular hunk" of sorts. This image fails once one realises much of that size is affected: that his neck is quite narrow, his cheeks are hollow, and come to think of it, his skin looks concerningly shiny, like it has a layer of gloss over the top... [/hider] [hider=Empowered] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/44/c3/8e/44c38e282cfef2e14bc9c6916e896e92.jpg[/img] This look comes into view as Brock's Araneaepathy is utilised, invoking physical effects on his appearance. His hair stands partly on end as if charged with static, whilst eerie blue-green light emits from it and his irises, blotting out other colours in both whilst making clear his slender frame and chitinous shell to an observer. Finally, he moves very differently than when he is not using the power, as if he were less human and more spider-esque. [/hider] [b]Psyche Profile[/b]: [hider=Interview 1 Excerpt] Dr. Cartman: Beginning interview log with patient Brock Robert Jameson, session one. Brock, hello. [i]Subject appears distracted initially, before refocusing on Dr. Cartman.[/i] Subject: Ah, we're starting? Hi, hello, yes. Er, can you turn down the light please? It's really bright in here, it's hurting my eyes. Dr. Cartman: Tell me, what do you believe brings you here? Subject: Oh, no, okay, that's fine. To the... the interview room, or the jail? Dr. Cartman: To the asylum, Brock. Subject: Okay, because you didn't make that very clear, see. You were just like, "what brings you here?", right, and I didn't know how specific you were being, and so I didn't have an answer for that until you cleared it up. Like, um- like, how when spiders make a web, and it's not necessarily clear what its shape is without closer examination? Actually, that's pretty neat, see, because most spiders don't actually make spiral webs like orb-weavers, because- Dr. Cartman: Mister Jameson, the question? Subject: Mm? Oh, er- why am I at the prison, right. Yeah, I'll get to that, but my point- because they were the starting point, like the first type of web, but then you got tangle webs, funnel webs, sheet webs, all kinds, just thrown together with no specific- oh right, the question! I got carried away, sorry. I like spiders, spiders are neat. [i]During explanation of web types, subject displays increasingly dynamic gesticulation of arms.[/i] Dr. Cartman: I see. So why are you at the asylum? Subject: So why am I here, probably because I have fangs and can control spiders. I mean, I can't put them out right now, I can't do those things, but yeah, that. [/hider] [quote]Initial questioning suggests understanding of human concepts, but an intense hyperfocus on the subject of spiders. There is likely kinship involved with these, and a degree of single-mindedness that suggests araneaepathy may be two-directional. Further study required. - Dr. Cartman[/quote] [hider=Interview 2 Excerpt] Dr. Cartman: Now, Brock, would you mind describing your araneaepathy's effects, both upon you and the spiders you control? Subject: Oh, you're calling it that? That's pretty cool, but I mean, I never really thought about it too hard. I guess if I had spiders to show it off to, it'd be neat, so you could see for yourself. Do you have any? Dr. Cartman: We will not allow you to engage in live testing at this time, no. Subject: Damn. It's too quiet, I liked- I liked being able to sense them. It was so neat, like having a bunch of extra eyes, right? Their vision varies depending on species, you know, so a different type of spider, right, might have poor vision and rely on sensing web vibrations, but another might have really good eyesight, and the directionality could vary too, like with jumping spiders. They can see forward well, you know? They need that so they can lock on to what they're hunting. Ogre spiders are actually, they have even stronger vision, because they develop this light-reflective membrane, which is so sensitive it burns away in daylight. Er, speaking of, speaking of that, the light's are still- Dr. Cartman: When you say you "sense" them- Subject: -really bright in my- uh, I mean, what? Sense? Well, I sense them, yeah. They're uh, it's not really telepathy, they don't have big brains, really it's more like a dense nerve tangle. Portia spiders, they're basically the smartest spiders in the world, and can plan ahead when hunting to crazy lengths, but they only have about six hundred neurons total. It's very very slow thinking ahead, but it's smart thinking, and it has to be so they can hunt other spiders without getting eaten themselves. So yeah, it's not really detecting their thoughts, more like I can see their nervous patterns in my mind, right? And I can put my own instructions into those, like a- like a, what the hell are those tiny little robot pets called, the dumb ones on the screens everybody liked in the early two thou- T███████i! Those ones. Like reprogramming one of them, except it's a living being, so I don't want them getting hurt. [i]Vivid gesticulation proceeds throughout subject's diatribe.[/i] [/hider] [quote]Subject shows heightened empathy for spiders, and describes conceptualisation of their psychology within his own brain rather than merely access to their thoughts. This likely confirms two-directional araneaepathy, implying that fixation and knowledge comes from imprinting of neurological patterns into the subject's own grey matter. Additionally, for future reports, assume gesticulation from subject when discussing spiders unless otherwise stated. - Dr. Cartman[/quote] [hider=Interview 5 Excerpt] Dr. Cartman: Where did you first encounter your abilities, Brock? Subject: Well, I mean. I woke up with them one day, probably... uh, probably a few years ago now, halfway through puberty? I- I think I've been in here a while, so yeah. [i]Subject displays irritation during this explanation, blinking profusely.[/i] Subject: L-look, I'm being nice about it, but you really have to turn the lights down, it's seriously actually painful here, and I mean, it's bad in the rest of the prison, but this is too much. Dr. Cartman: We can't turn down the brightness of the lights- Subject: Well then turn them [i]off,[/i] please! I don't- look, seriously, today's sucked, I just- [i]Subject stands from chair, followed swiftly by Dr. Cartman.[/i] Dr. Cartman: Brock, take your seat, please! Subject: -I don't want to be in here, I don't like it in here, take me out of this room! Dr. Cartman: Sit the hell down! [i]Subject moves toward Dr. Cartman. Later described as an aggressive movement.[/i] Subject: Let me GO! I WANT TO- [i]Subject's hair glows blue-green briefly, an indicator of attempted use of araneaepathy, before shock collar activates for one second. Subject grunts and stumbles to floor.[/i] Subject: No, STOP DOING THAT! I DON'T WANT THIS! [i]Subject's hair glows again, followed by another shock. Subject continues to yell aggressively, wildly flailing limbs. Subject receives five more shocks in next minute until they fall quiet, breathing heavily in fetal position.[/i] Dr. Cartman: Patient is being uncooperative. Bring him back to his cell. [i]Two guards enter, lifting subject off the ground as Dr. Cartman ends the interview log. Later examination of interview room would reveal several fragments of fang material.[/i] [/hider] [quote]Subject tends toward aggression when not given what he wants, suggesting a lack of short-term patience and/or issues with control of temper. Additionally, anger seems to enhance connection to abilities, triggering instinctive use of araneaepathy despite risk of shock; alternatively, use of powers may remain conscious, suggesting lack of risk assessment in subject. Confined space likely to have been taken as a prime opportunity to attack, as perceived prey was caught in a situation they could not easily escape from, akin to a spider stalking a fly trapped in its web. - Dr. Cartman[/quote] [hider=Interview 9 Excerpt] Subject: I don't like the food here, it's gross. [i]Unprompted statement. Prior topic was chitin.[/i] Dr. Cartman: Would you prefer meat? Subject: Er, yeah. Something I can, like, sink my teeth into, at least. Dr. Cartman: Insects? Subject: What? Well, not- I mean, honestly, it's probably better than the gruel in here, so yeah. I have done that before. Dr. Cartman: Eating insects? [i]Subject nods.[/i] Subject: Uh-huh, when I wasn't stuck in this place. They crunch. Like, people are all grossed out by them, but they're efficient protein. They taste fine, I'm fine with them. Well, you know though, spiders don't actually crunch them up, fun fact, they're just like uh, they- they inject digestive enzymes through their carapaces, that dissolves their insides, and [i]that's[/i] what they actually eat, because their digestive tracts aren't wide enough to eat anything solid. Dr. Cartman: I see. Do you use your fangs to do that? Subject: To- eat the insects? Dr. Cartman: To inject digestive enzymes into your food. Subject: Uhhhhhh... [i]Subject considers notion for extended period.[/i] Subject: I don't think they're connected to my stomach? It might be cool to try, but then I'm basically just puking into a bowl of gruel, which is already gross enough. Unless you mean the saliva enzymes, because those work just fine in my mouth. [/hider] [quote]Subject displays preference for entomophagy and disgruntlement with standard inmate meals. Very likely that prolonged connection with spider psyches has altered subject's understanding of food substances. Additionally, subject has suggested that they would prefer to eat in a more spider-like fashion, i.e. injection of enzymes and subsequent consumption of fluid, and are capable of doing so with at least the enzymes naturally found in human saliva. - Dr. Cartman[/quote] [hider=Interview 12 Excerpt] Dr. Cartman: Beginning interview log with patient Brock Robert Jameson, session twelve. Hello again, Brock. How are you feeling? [i]Subject appears listless, speaking with distinct monotone.[/i] Subject: Tired. Sick of all this. I want to go home. Like, I know I was saying about this being a prison, like months ago now, but it's actually shit in here. Why do you have us in here? Dr. Cartman: For your protection, and for the protection of others who you might hurt. Subject: Bullshit! What's the testing for then? I know it's not to be some kind of X-██n or some shit. I- you know I have a tarantula right? Pet tarantula, I called him Peter? Dr. Cartman: Why did you name him Peter? You didn't need to. Subject: Because I love him! Well I [i]did[/i] anyway, he was only five, but he's probably starved by now unless my roommate bothered to look after him. Twenty-something years of perfectly good spider life, murdered by Thornwood. Dr. Cartman: Well, he was only a spider. You can always get another one. [i]At this stage, subject affixes Dr. Cartman with a glare, later described as "predatory" by Dr. Cartman.[/i] Subject: [i]Only[/i] a spider? Pardon you? Dr. Cartman: Well... it's an arachnid, Brock- Subject: Would you say that about [i]your[/i] pet, Doctor? [i]Dr. Cartman displays irritation briefly.[/i] Dr. Cartman: I- ...look, my pets are not your concern. I keep Marshall well-fed- Subject: Oh, why did you name him Marshall? He's [i]only[/i] a dog! [i]Dr. Cartman displays shock.[/i] Dr. Cartman: Wh- what? How did you know that? Subject: Oh, you didn't know? It's my spidey-sense, Doc, I've had it the whole time. I can [i]smell[/i] your fear, you fat bastard. Dr. Cartman: Hey! I'm not fat- [i]Subject speaks simultaneous to Dr. Cartman.[/i] Subject: "I'm just big-boned!" See? I know what you're thinking before you do! Dr. Cartman: What- what is wrong with you? [i]Subject rises, close to shouting as he approaches Dr. Cartman.[/i] Subject: What's wrong with [i]you?![/i] You people can't keep us here forever, you know! In fact, I [i]know[/i] you know, otherwise you wouldn't be so scared of a skinny guy who can't even use his abilities, you asshole! Dr. Cartman: Sh-shit! E-end the interview- oh shit, drop him! [i]Shock collar is activated for five seconds, sending subject to the ground twitching. Subject is escorted back to cell as interview is ended. Later analysis of interview indicates cold reading techniques displayed by subject, rather than claimed extrasensory capabilities.[/i] [/hider] [quote]I've come to a final conclusion. Brock Jameson is a highly disturbed individual, with blatant delusions of being a spider and possessing great mind-reading abilities despite all evidence to the contrary, as well as viewing humans as insect-like prey. Additionally, he displays heightened aggression under duress, generally disordered thought processes, and paranoia toward staff, as well as social withdrawal and limited emotional expressiveness beyond subject of spiders, which he ultimately considers to be more capable of companionship than dogs, and likely moreso than humans too. Simply put, the subject is a dangerous madman, whose powers have afflicted serious psychosis after lengthy exposure to the neurological patterns of who knows how many spiders. In conjunction with displayed mobile abnormalities, which have been catalogued as present under normal circumstances and exacerbated during testing of araneaepathy, I shall be filing for an official diagnosis of undifferentiated schizophrenia in the subject, with signs present from the paranoid, hebephrenic, and catatonic types. Further interviews will not be required. - Dr. Cartman[/quote] [b]Background[/b]: Brock is not known to have a particularly unusual childhood. Background checks suggest significant levels of bullying from ages 6 and onward, but no incidents of note before age 16. Powers seemingly manifested at this age - accounts suggest araneaepathy presented immediately upon rising on the day of 11/22/20██, whilst upper canines were discovered to have fallen out of the subject's mouth in the same night, and replaced with retractable fangs within a week; chitinous exoskeleton formed over the next several months as a natural consequence of growing in. Social exclusion was heightened as these features were discovered by peers, and reports of criminal activities such as petty theft under the alias "The Grand Arachnid" reached Project Borehold not long after. Initial attempt to capture target at age 17 utilised two Project Borehole soldiers, but the attempt was hampered by unexpected self-defense in the form of a much greater quantity of spiders than anticipated. Both soldiers hospitalised, one death caused by combination of crushing and envenomation. Brock promptly fled the state, by his own word hitch-hiking to New York; further reports suggest extended period of homelessness and self-education spent primarily in a mixture of abandoned warehouses and internet cafes. Second attempt to capture target made at age 25, after reports made of his presence at a local zoo in the spider exhibit, apparently as part of his job. Additional reports suggested vigilante activity in the area under the alias "Spider Insider". Five Project Bore hole soldiers were sent to apprehend Brock. Again, all soldiers sent to capture were hospitalised by target's powers through crushing and envenomation; one soldier paralysed through injection of neurotoxin by subject into left shoulder, recovery timeframe of seven months. Brock did not leave his job at this point, and the reasons for this are unknown. Third attempt to capture target at age 26 successful. In excess of 35 soldiers sent to apprehend, ten of which were equipped with flamethrowers to ensure no repeat of prior capture attempts. Brock resisted at first, but upon realising the presence of flamethrowers, quickly relented and allowed himself to be captured; he is quoted as having said at the time "Please, don't hurt them." Unknown if referring to civilians or exhibited spiders. [b]Skills, Talents and Learning[/b]: [i]Knowledge of Spiders[/i] - Brock is a veritable encyclopedia on the subject of spiders. There are very few things he cannot relay on the topic, and he is very capable of explaining in great detail just how they work, which additionally functions to help him best utilise his inherent abilities. [i]Cold Reading[/i] - Brock has depicted in multiple instances the ability to acquire information from individuals via cold reading techniques, using vague assertions and inferences to pry into highly-personal aspects of people's lives. Generally, he does not make active use of this, instead gathering more information than he lets on via aforementioned inference; when directly utilised, it is often played up to induce feelings of unease or fear in subjects. [i]Memorisation[/i] - Brock has an exceptionally good memory, though it is not "photographic" in the sense that he can glance at something and precisely recall the image later on. Rather, he retains a great deal of the raw information and emotion around something, enough to recall exact spiders from previous connections to them if he needs to based on their particular neural patterns, "personalities" if you will. To wit, this extends to personal information about individuals and locations as well, letting him store a great deal of information from those he has cold-read and about areas he has examined. [b]Power(s) and Capabilities[/b]: [i]Araneaepathy[/i] - Brock has the power to, in essence, communicate on a base instinctual level with spiders of all types, out to a range of around 800 feet (roughly 250 meters), or much higher when under stress. Supposedly, spiders have a lot to say if one simply listens to them; in practice, this grants him the ability to "command" spiders en masse, manipulating them to act as he wills it and to an extent compelling them to act with greater efficiency and potency than they otherwise would. This of course has a great many benefits, ranging between scouting via proxy, production of a great amount of silk for entanglement or defense purposes, envenomation of enemies- often much more extremely than a typical spider bite would provide, given he can command them to bite repeatedly or inject much more venom than they normally would- or simply crush and suffocate foes under a tide of chitin and fangs if enough spiders are in range. [i]Spider-like[/i] - Brock himself is very visibly spider-like in form, albeit not to an absolute extent. His physical body is more or less human, but possesses some very particular alterations. Most obviously, he has grown a shell of transparent chitin around himself, apparently seeping out of the pores of his skin before hardening beneath existing chitin, which acts as protection from physical harm as well as some non-typical attack methods. He also bears retractable fangs where his upper canines would be, and can extend them out of his gums beyond his other teeth to bite and inject venom into opponents; he seems capable of altering the composition of this venom greatly, often incorporating a mixture of highly-destructive compounds that he himself is not affected by, and the fangs themselves are a tough mixture of chitin and enamel, regrowing lost matter as the rest of his body would if any part of them breaks off. Finally, whilst only modest in comparison, Brock is capable of essentially pressurising the fluids in his muscles and circulatory system in a manner akin to a jumping spider, granting him much greater burst speed and striking force than one might imagine based on his appearance, though not providing any particularly-superhuman capabilities. [b]Power Limits[/b]: Despite his nickname, Brock's power to command spiders only extends that far, specifically to the biological order [i]Araneae[/i], and not the wider class [i]Arachnida[/i] or non-ranked supra-ordinal clade [i]Tetrapulmonata[/i], thus excluding for instance scorpions, mites, and ticks from his control. Additionally, whilst he can to an extent enhance the spiders as they act, they are ultimately still restricted by their biology, rendering them ineffective against heavily-defended targets and vulnerable to extreme wide-area conditions such as flooding or intense heat or cold. [b]Known Vulnerabilities[/b]: His fangs being retractable means that they can be physically blocked from extending out, thus preventing their use in a fight, and whilst they are quite tough, they are also still just teeth. In addition, whilst his chitinous exterior offers much greater protection from slashing attacks, it is akin to plate armour in that it offers limited protection from heavy blunt strikes; is fairly readily pierced through with enough force, as in nature; is vulnerable to extreme heat or cold, heating or cooling to the point of cracking and breaking away when stressed like this; and most pertinently does not "heal" as quickly as the flesh underneath, leaving an exposed weak point for an extended period when damaged. [b]Motives[/b]: Brock's motivations do not appear to be grand in scope. Whilst he displays great anger toward the Thornwood Asylum and Project Borehole, he also seems to be of a mind that "taking it down" is nearly impossible for institutional reasons. Consequently, his primary goal upon escape seems to be best utilisation of his abilities and knowledge for personal and communal benefit, perhaps seeking another job similar to his work prior to acquisition. [b]Recommended Containment Procedures[/b]: In addition to standard containment procedures, Brock is fitted with specialised steel braces that cover the points of his upper canines, preventing him from utilising them in a fight. Additionally, an electric shock collar is fitted that consistently monitors his brain activity; if it reads an increase in certain brainwaves, indicating use of his Araneaepathy, it will administer a 2500-volt shock to his neck, disrupting concentration on the effect. Additional attempts within five minutes after the previous shock will lead to shocks of increasing voltage until he ceases attempts to utilise the effect. Finally, as a precautionary measure, all known populations of spiders within the asylum grounds have been eliminated, and further discovered populations are to be killed in turn. [b]Notes[/b]: Yes, he's a fan of Spider-Man. The irony is not lost on him. [/hider]