[color=8293A0][CENTER][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/211221/be9325c92d52f2733dee93dfa79c8223.png[/img][/CENTER] [hr][table][row][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/844367097488080896/922885806018936892/EstewaldFlag2.png[/img] [color=#8293A0][sup]__________________________________________[/sup][/color] [sub][COLOR=SILVER] Estewaldian Empire [color=#8293a0][sup]_______________________________________________________________[/sup][/color][/COLOR][/sub][/center] [hider=][indent][sub][b]▼ E X T R A I N F O R M A T I O N[/b][/SUB] [sup][color=#8293a0]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color] [COLOR=SILVER]► [B]Population (1945)[/B][COLOR=#8293a0] - 72,387,866[/COLOR] ► [b]Demonym[/b][COLOR=#8293a0] - Estewaldian[/COLOR] ► [B]Government[/B][COLOR=#8293a0] - Unitary Absolute Monarchy[/COLOR] ► [b]Ideology[/b][COLOR=#8293a0] - Rexist Fascism[/COLOR] ► [b]Head of State[/b][COLOR=#8293a0] - Emperor Titus Winfried Theopold IX[/COLOR] ► [b]Head of Government[/b][COLOR=#8293a0] - Chancellor Ignatz Kristian Markwardt[/COLOR] ► [b]Currency[/b][COLOR=#8293a0] - Estewaldian Gild[/COLOR][/COLOR][/SUP] [color=#2e2c2c]-[/color][/indent][/hider] [/cell][cell][b][sub]H I S T O R Y[/sub][/b] [color=lightgray][indent]Text here Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer [/indent][/color][/cell][/row][/table][color=#2e2c2c]---[/color][b][sub]P R E S S I N G I S S U E S[/sub][/b] [INDENT] [color=lightgray] Viewed from any modern standard, socially speaking, Estewald is an utterly backward society. A sizable proportion of the population is still encumbered beneath Estewald's feudal system, which binds the lower classes into an undesirable state of being bound to an individual's property - physical or intellectual. With the avenues of social mobility being few and far between, it is estimated that some 48% of Estewald's population are still tethered to serfdom in some manner, shape or form, and although the institution has undergone numerous reforms throughout its long history, the immense divides between the castes cause no shortage of deadweight loss throughout the Empire. For instance, the special exceptions placed upon taxes of the Landsmann peasants have often caused a shortage of income on the federal level, where surplus funds are instead largely siphoned by local lords and barons, until there is very little left at the top of the strata. [/color][/INDENT] [color=#2e2c2c]---[/color][b][sub]E C O N O M Y[/sub][/b] [color=lightgray][INDENT] In spite of nature's bountiful blessings, Estewald's economy remains rather...sluggish, to say the least. Largely dependent on the export of its raw materials, its tertiary economic sectors are - perhaps unsurprisingly - almost completely nonexistent, and what little remains of a developed banking or service industry exists near solely for the use of the proportionally tiny middle and upper classes. In fact, some even go as far as to say that it is only their lucrative exports of chromium and promethium that keep the entire Estewaldian economy afloat. Combined with nothing short of simply sharkish colonial policy [/INDENT][/color] [color=#2e2c2c]---[/color][b][sub]F O R E I G N R E L A T I O N S[/sub][/b] [color=lightgray][INDENT] [color=8293a0]Slot here:[/color] Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer [color=8293a0]Slot here:[/color] Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer [color=8293a0]Slot here:[/color] Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer[/INDENT][/color] [hr] [color=#2e2c2c]---[/color][b][sub]P L A Y E R B I B L E[/sub][/b] [color=8293a0]Things they would vehemently defend, to the death if need be:[/color] [color=lightgray][list] [*] Spacer [*] Spacer [*] Spacer [/list][/color] [color=8293a0]Things they would support:[/color] [color=lightgray][list] [*] Spacer [*] Spacer [*] Spacer [/list][/color] [color=8293a0]Things they would feel is none of their business and not give an opinion about:[/color] [color=lightgray][list] [*] Spacer [*] Spacer [*] Spacer [/list][/color] [color=8293a0]Things they would feel indifferent about and let it sort itself out by the actors involved:[/color] [color=lightgray][list] [*] Spacer [*] Spacer [*] Spacer [/list][/color] [color=8293a0]Things they would only do under great pressure, and even then reluctantly:[/color] [color=lightgray][list] [*] Spacer [*] Spacer [*] Spacer [/list][/color] [color=8293a0]Things they would never do no matter what (and would never give any ground on for these issues):[/color] [color=lightgray][list] [*] Estewald is vitriolically opposed to communism and will - under no circumstance - ever partake in any actions which they view as potentially aiding The Internationalists. [*] Spacer [*] Spacer [/list][/color] [color=#2e2c2c]-[/color][hr][color=#2e2c2c]-A Template by Load Wraith[/color][/COLOR]