[color=8293A0][CENTER][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/211221/8ed55a10aa245e296c96f2c9b33380dc.png[/img][/CENTER] [hr][table][row][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/844367097488080896/922896969913995334/VilturiaFlag.png[/img] [color=#8293A0][sup]__________________________________________[/sup][/color] [sub][COLOR=SILVER] Soviet Federation of the Union of Vilturia [color=#8293a0][sup]_______________________________________________________________[/sup][/color][/COLOR][/sub][/center] [hider=][indent][sub][b]▼ E X T R A I N F O R M A T I O N[/b][/SUB] [sup][color=#8293a0]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color] [COLOR=SILVER]► [B]Population (1945)[/B][COLOR=#8293a0] - 156,650,735[/COLOR] ► [b]Demonym[/b][COLOR=#8293a0] - Vilturian[/COLOR] ► [B]Government[/B][COLOR=#8293a0] - Federative One-Party Socialist Republic[/COLOR] ► [b]Ideology[/b][COLOR=#8293a0] - Communist[/COLOR] ► [b]Head of State[/b][COLOR=#8293a0] - Rozenn Guégan[/COLOR] ► [b]Head of Government[/b][COLOR=#8293a0] - Mailys Lozac'h[/COLOR] ► [b]Currency[/b][COLOR=#8293a0] - Vilturian Aurel[/COLOR][/COLOR][/SUP] [color=#2e2c2c]-[/color][/indent][/hider] [/cell][cell][b][sub]H I S T O R Y[/sub][/b] [color=lightgray][indent]Text here Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer [/indent][/color][/cell][/row][/table][color=#2e2c2c]---[/color][b][sub]P R E S S I N G I S S U E S[/sub][/b] [INDENT][color=lightgray] Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer [/color][/INDENT] [color=#2e2c2c]---[/color][b][sub]E C O N O M Y[/sub][/b] [color=lightgray][INDENT] Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer [/INDENT][/color] [color=#2e2c2c]---[/color][b][sub]F O R E I G N R E L A T I O N S[/sub][/b] [color=lightgray][INDENT] [color=8293a0]Slot here:[/color] Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer [color=8293a0]Slot here:[/color] Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer [color=8293a0]Slot here:[/color] Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer[/INDENT][/color] [hr] [color=#2e2c2c]---[/color][b][sub]P L A Y E R B I B L E[/sub][/b] [color=8293a0]Things they would vehemently defend, to the death if need be:[/color] [color=lightgray][list] [*] The Internationalist Movement, The Revolution, and the Plight of the Worker. In that order. [*] The absolute fairness of their ideology and system of democracy and liberal thought. [*] Ideals of religious, ethnic, and social co-existence and harmony. [/list][/color] [color=8293a0]Things they would support:[/color] [color=lightgray][list] [*] Pro-communist movements around the world. [*] Treaties and formal military alliances with communist, syndicalist, or other similar far-left powers around the globe. [/list][/color] [color=8293a0]Things they would feel is none of their business and not give an opinion about:[/color] [color=lightgray][list] [*] The exact internal affairs of other, ideologically-aligned nations. [*] Non-democratic or illiberal pro-independence movements. [/list][/color] [color=8293a0]Things they would feel indifferent about and let it sort itself out by the actors involved:[/color] [color=lightgray][list] [*] Implement economic, social, or political reforms that tweaked or reformed the current system without changing it outright. [*] Research or trade agreements with nations not ideologically aligned to them. [/list][/color] [color=8293a0]Things they would only do under great pressure, and even then reluctantly:[/color] [color=lightgray][list] [*] [*] Research or trade agreements with nations not ideologically aligned to them. [/list][/color] [color=8293a0]Things they would never do no matter what (and would never give any ground on for these issues):[/color] [color=lightgray][list] [*] Sign a formal military alliance with an authoritarian, fascist, national socialist, or other similar far-right power. [*] Implement reforms that would roll back the economic powers of the party, or otherwise [*] Allow foreign influence of authoritarian, fascist, national socialist, or other similar far-right powers in government. [/list][/color] [color=#2e2c2c]-[/color][hr][color=#2e2c2c]-A Template by Load Wraith[/color][/COLOR]