[quote=@James Davy] "Of course he, Lisa and Nicole should know," Donald agreed, "Whilst you raise a good point; what I mean is don't go blabbing it to the wrong people." At that point, his Espeon popped out and heard some excited squawking from Murkrow. "[i]Master, ladies, exciting news;[/i]" Espeon announced, "[i]Pansear has evolved![/i]" The psychic Eeveelution sent Murkrow back to watch the battle. [/quote] Sandy: We won't tell anyone who shouldn't know. But i think that we may have to come to terms that if we know... it wouldn't be too far off to suggest that Team Magma may also know. Not to say that someone nearby might have heard us talking and went to find someone within team Magma and exposed it to them. Technology is very booming and so is social media. If we know now about it... you can almost guarantee the reality that they're not far off from figuring out as well. Anistar: That's true. Celebrities are with their lives under a magnifying glass and watched like protected sheep and kin. If there is anything that happens to one celebrity. That celeb's family is surely gonna be brought into it eventually as you know that the paparazzi and the tabloids will start digging. They always do. As they were speaking about it... Sandy overheard the news of Pansear evolving and become Simisear. Sandy: *In shock* What? Are you serious? Oh... oh... oh my god. What no one knew was that Sandy's spearow was somewhere else and was battling some wild pokemon. Strong pokemon and wanted to Evolve for Sandy. It fought against a bunch of Beartic's Vileplume's and Rapidash's. Even a cluster of Snorunts. It came close to defeat 3 times but pulled through to the vicious end. It was by a moments more of passing that his Spearow collapsed to the ground with a tuckered out wing. It glowed... Glowed with a bright light... Spearow: Spear... row... Spear... row... *Suddenly Bellowing out* [b]SPEAROW![/b] Spearow grew and grew... it's beak stretched out a bit and became elongated... Her wings grew bigger and longer... Spreading out vastly like elegance. It spread like beauty. Once fully Evolved... Sandy's Fearow: *Suddenly Bellowing with Joy and pride* FEEAAARRROOOOW! It soared up high into the air within seconds in sheer agility and gave a loud cry out with glee... "FEEEEEAAAAARRRROOOOWWW!" "FEEEEEAAAAARRRROOOOWWW!" "FEEEEEAAAAARRRROOOOWWW!" Before long... Fearow dove down and went for Sandy and landed beside him. Hugging him happily. Sandy: *In shock* S-s-s-spearow? Darling... is that you? Fearow: *Nods* It's me. Sandy: Wow! You're... AMAZING! Anistar: Dang... Fearow... You're huge and awesome. *Winks* Sandy: Things are bound to look up. *Looking towards where the park is* Passion Kiss, Hold on. Don't give up. You can do this. You can do this. Was Hope holding on? How much more could Jeremy go on with the battle? Was he winning?