Nirann leaned forward with a slight chuckle, his body moving as if he had let out a breath. “I mean, I would say that a swarm of unknown nanites taking over some orbital factories warrants investigation pretty much by default, yeah? Now, should [i]we[/i] be the ones investigating…I’d say it’s worth a shot. If we can get a close look at them, it shouldn’t be too hard to at least see if they are related to the Cradle. If not, we can pass it off to another agency to handle. Besides, it’s not like we’re doing much else, right now.” He shrugged. Marae was taking a closer look at the hologram. Knowing they were nanites did change how she thought about them, but ultimately, she did agree with Nirann. “Nanites can be very dangerous, but we do have effective means of defending against them if they turn out to be truly hostile. Nanites would have taken over every aspect of warfare by now, if they could not be defeated. Still, probably best to keep our distance. If we get a Rothian ship at the planet, we can get some specialized sensors that can listen in on their communications, between each other and any external entities.” “I can say with confidence, though, that Rareth isn’t going to have anyone lift a finger until we get the full story. We are partners in this, after all. You’re going to have to give her that context at some point.” Nirann added.