[hider=Westmarch] [center][img]https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/moon-guard/images/5/55/Avonmore.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20190509010602 [/img] [i] "Grand city of Edoras. The seat of House Taranis and Bulwark of the west. " [/i] [hr][hr][h2]Archduchy of Westmarch [/h2][h3][sup][i] Duty and Honor [/i][/sup][/h3][hr][hr][/center] [b]Description[/b] [quote] Westmarch is the largest of the 7 regions taking the form of a vast sprawling steppe that sits on the doorstep of the western nomad lands. The cities of Westmarch are home to great stonewalls and keeps that aid in the defense of the cities scattered through the land. In addition to these massive fortresses, cities are the use of signaling towers made of cheap wood, designed to be easily ignited should a scout spot raiders entering the land. [/quote] [b]People of Westmarch[/b] [quote] The people of Westmarch are hardy ones who take great pride in their task as defenders and warriors. They are typically tall and lean with athletic builds allowing for strength in their strikes but mobility on horseback. This has come as the result of not only the people's mixed blood but also their constant conflict and martial training. Upon turning 14 all sons of Westmarch are required to undergo military training for 2 years to ensure the defense of the realm. After completing these training years the recruits are then given the option of remaining as part of the standing force or pursuing a trade beneficial to Westmarch. Those few that show exceptional potential are brought up to train as knights and awarded such titles upon completion of their new training. Those who do not continue in service of the military continue on with their lives as any other region's common folk. The main distinction however falls on the lack of farmland leading many to find professions as either smiths or masons. [/quote] [b]Strength and military[/b] [quote] Westmarch’s biggest claim to fame is the strength of its military. The core of their military revolves around the combination of both heavy cav, plated in armor, and more nimble cav arches. By mixing the two cultures and doctrines of war Westmarch is a fast and efficient fighting force able to cover large swaths of land quickly. Outside of open field battles, Westmarch relies on their heavily armed knights to act as the bulwark for the archers who no longer have the mobility of horses. Though the standard Knight is a common sight in Westmarch, those members of the royal knights stand apart from their fellow knights by occasionally sporting metal wings on the backs of their armor. these "wings" are both a symbol of their position and skill, while also serving as an added fear factor due to the noise they produce while the knights charge forward towards the enemy. (Think of the Winged Hussars from Poland) [/quote] [b]Major Holdings[/b] [quote][b]Edoras -The capital city of Westmarch. A large circular city surrounded both by a massive stone wall and endless pastures. Like many of Westmarches cities, Edoras is one large fortress. This is further exemplified by the massive structure known as castle Drachenfel that rises out of the city's center. The city also serves as the main gathering point of most smiths in the region who work constantly on repairing armor and weapons or forging new sets from scrapped old ones for new recruits. [/b] [b]Castle Drachenfel - The center of Edoras. The massive keep was designed to serve as the last and impenetrable fortress of both the city and Westmarch should the city walls be breached. Besides its defensive nature, the keep also serves as the bureaucratic center of the region housing both the Council of Westmarch and the Warden himself. Within the throne room, itself rests the massive skull of a Dragon so claimed to have been slain by the great ancestors of house Taranis.[/b] [b]Dragons Graveyard- Southern edge of the region. Dragons Graveyard is one of the few places almost strictly forbidden to the people of Westmarch. Though deep within the tall jagged mountains lyes vast sums of wealth and minerals, the path to such resources is perilous at best. Though there have been several attempts by past wardens to set up work in the mountains all have failed miserably and were abandoned before any progress could be made. This combined with the mythicized tales of dragons and their connection to house Taranis lore, Dragons Graveyard remains untouched by the people of Westmarch. [/b] [/quote][/hider]