[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0xs4xZC.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210420/7161bf858c241d15cf7be40b1adcab9d.png[/img][/center] Zach made a few notes based on what Kassy said. Don’t touch the tail, hail, bow to the king and queen, yadda yadda. [color=darkviolet]“Well… You probably could charm a merboy if you tried…[/color] Shortly afterwards, the scientist they were all here to escort came on board the sub, and he had a bunch of questions for their little ragtag group of misfits. Reactions from the others varied, but Zach was more than happy to respond. [color=darkviolet]“Name’s Zatara, Zachary Zatara. Yes, Zatanna Zatara is my cousin, but let’s not get into that, I’m the hot young rising star of this family. I do magic. Yes, real magic. I know you science types are all thrown by that, but magic is a real thing. None of this science we don’t understand nonsense.”[/color] He then reached behind the scientists ear and pulled out a quarter. [color=darkviolet]“Sorry, you had that behind your ear, and it was really distracting.”[/color] The young magician giggled. Before he could get into a demonstration of his real powers, the sub got dark, and something hit the side of them, all of them turned to Kassy to find out what it was. [color=darkviolet]“Oh, it’s probably some lovecraftian horror from the deep. No big deal.”[/color] Zach replied sarcastically, and chuckled.