Kassandra was listening in on the comms, bemused as Dr. Bingley proceeded to basically interrogate half the team about their powers. They all seemed either uncomfortable, like Daphne, or confused like KJ. Zach was the only one taking things in stride. Part of her wanted to address the issue, as she didn’t want the team distracted. On the other hand, she didn’t want to be rude to the man. If he was a guest of Atlantis, that made him a VIP. Maybe it was better not to upset him. Before she could make a decision either way, she had the distinct sensation of eyes on her. It was an indescribable feeling, one she never could describe. But then, she never had to. Everyone in Atlantis knew this feeling and how to combat it. Humans, however... What humans no longer understood was the feeling of being prey. Whales, sharks, squid, seal, dolphin – they would all take a taste of flesh every now and again. (And the dolphins would have fun with you before they did it, too!) Killing them outright was considered gauche, as they shared the ocean with the Atlanteans and deserved to be there. It was best to scare them off by being the bigger predator. Kassy started turning around, looking for the source of the prey-sense. Before she could lock eyes on it, everything went dark. Ink! That meant… The sub was rocked next, and she barely saw the tentacle creeping backward for the next strike. Her comms suddenly flooded with questions from the team about what was happening out there. [color=orange]“Team, we have a situation. There’s a giant squid out here and we need to chase it off without harming it too much. Rain, Cybergirl - protect the doctor! KJ, Brightheart, and Nymph, on me! Zatara, now’s the time to see if that merman charm of yours works! Let’s go!” [/color]There was a sharp edge to her voice that likely none of them had heard before. Looking at something that could swallow you whole tended to focus your brain quite nicely.