[quote=@James Davy] Beldum saw the exchange happen and relayed it to Espeon. "[i]Jeremy has won the battle and is down for the count,[/i]" she announced, "[i]Should you want or need to help him, his location is at the playground in McClung Park. You'll be close if you see our fliers circling overhead.[/i]" Donald didn't need any further prompting as he took off running with Espeon following. "[i]Maxie said something about awakening Groudon,[/i]" she stated. "I'll ponder over that matter later," Donald replied, "I have a brother to see to." [/quote] Jeremy was out cold and Simisear was seeking to do what he could to wake him back up and get him to indeed come to. However he was to be out cold. The battle was alot for one to handle. Sandy's Fearow was overhead and saw that Jeremy was out cold and bellowed with a cry of concern. She flew on over to Sandy and gave out what she saw... Fearow: Sandy, Jeremy is out cold. He's not moving. He might be deeply sleeping... But his Simisear is trying to blow some warmth on him to get some spark into him. Sandy: Come on. Fearow... Take me to him. Now. Please. He could be hurt. Pansage: Everyone... to the park. Anistar: This is not good. What if this took more than it should have from him? *Running off to the park* Was Jeremy Dead? No... But what was really to be seen when they got there?