[quote=@James Davy] "You have my vote too," Donald answered, "I'm glad you're alright, Jeremy." "Yay, it worked!" Mimikyu cheered, jumping for joy. Whilst Donald was excited to be battling at the tournament, he was glad to see Jeremy was not only OK from what Mimikyu did he was as passionate as ever if not even more so. "If you don't already, warm water on a delicate wash cycle," Donald advised about Jeremy's polyester skirt. [/quote] Jeremy grinned and smiled... Jeremy: Warm water? Delicate wash cycle? I happened to try that already and it always seems to work. But i kinda use a little bit of air dry just to give it a bit of a fluffy feeling. It's my favorite skirt. I love wearing dresses. and Skirts. More freedom to feel the skin breathe and plus... whenever i wear them... it makes me feel better. Sandy: You got to admit... Jeremy seems more at full confidence and more upbeat nature when he's wearing a dress and or skirt. Simisear: *Not seeing Camerupt* Wait a minute! Where's Nova? Camerupt's gone. Sandy: He's closeby... He's saw a small flock of Numel's and is playing with them a little bit. We figured that with the stress he's been feeling over missing the Rising Star so much and worrying about what was going on with everyone in the team... Namely Lisa, Nicole, and the rest of the bree... it just felt right. We'll see him as we head back to the area where the tournament's supposed to be held. Jeremy: Hopefully he's not in any mischief. He tends to get a little hyper sometimes when he's with his kind. That's what the Rising Star would usually tell the family. It was then that... Anistar: Jeremy, there's something you should know. Something that Donald had told us while you were out battling against Maxie. Something about how he was related to your family and what happened. Simisear: Huh? Jeremy: What're you talking about? Sandy: Uh... [img]https://therhapsodyfamilyuniverse.files.wordpress.com/2020/03/jeremy-kelly-lightfoots-drag-kid-looks-20.jpg [/img] Jeremy: Sandy, What's she talking about? Anistar: *Looking at Donald* Okay, Master Tell-all. Tell him. Was Jeremy gonna be able to handle the huge bombshell? Would this affect the family line?