[center][img]https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/nKnrxQj_OR0P1qbXg0xIsUioZgw=/320x0:3520x1600/fit-in/1200x600/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/23077643/star_wars_eclipse_still_17.jpg[/img] "If we can make it to the ground, we'll take the next chance. And the next. On and on until we win ... or the chances are spent." CURRENT LOCATION: Orbiting the planet [url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Kijimi]Kijimi[/url] PAST LOCATIONS: N/A PLOT SYNOPSIS:[/center]We join our heroes in the moments before Chancellor Palpatine issues the command to execute the Jedi Order- The infamous Order 66. High above the planet of Kijimi a Republic cruiser is on station as soldiers on board prepare to descend to the planet surface and deal with spice runners. They are to be led by a pair of Jedi Knights, Bocri Sauburc and Hirani Blen.