[color=steelblue][h2]Bocri Sauburc[/h2][/color] [hr] The [url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Acclamator-class_assault_ship]Acclamator-class assault ship[/url] [i]Corellian Dawn[/i] hung in space, a grey dagger aimed at the heart of [url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Kijimi]Kijimi[/url] and the spice runners who currently called the planet home. The measured preparation and organized within the ship was a stark contrast to the panic and confusion on the planet below. Bocri could sense the fear below if he really reached out with the Force. It was taxing his powers but a surprised enemy was a beaten enemy. "Commander Sauburc," A Clone Captain, CT-98546, approached across the hanger bay floor, his feet crashing harshly against the durasteel plates. "We are almost ready to lift off." "Thank you, Captain." Bocri was always polite to the Clones under his command. Since the Jedi had begun commanding them and encouraging some more free thought, they had become far more sensitive to imagined sleights. The Captain nodded and turned away toward the awaiting landing transports. Bocris fighter, and that of his partner, the Twi'lek Hirani Blen, was parked near the mouth of the hanger. Bocri for his part knew it might be a while before he was able to use the refresher and made his way toward the nearest unit. As he pushed open the door with his hand, the black metallic fingers clicked slightly against the metal. Unlike some folks who had their cybernetics coated in skin, he had chosen to leave his exposed. It reminded him every day of just how much of him was becoming a machine. Unlike a number of Jedi, General Kenobi among them, he chose not to wear the robes of the Jedi Order. Instead he wore a comfortable combat suit, similar to one the Clone pilots wore. It allowed him to carry the basics and ensure his cockpit controllers weren't blocked by excessive amounts of cloth. On his right hip he wore a blaster, his light sabre clipped just behind it. A pair of stun grenades sat in a leg-drop pouch on the left thigh. His vest contained a spare battery pack for the blaster, and several bacta patches; not for him of course. A small tool kit came with him, to fix any basic issues with his cybernetics if the need arose. An assortment of other tools, lights, comlink, etc, all had homes on the vest as well. As the door closed behind him he had a brief glimpse of CT-98546 stopping in the middle of the hanger bay and drawing out a comms disc; he was to far away to see the image that appeared. The closed with a soft hiss and he stepped up to the refresher. He was glad that at least this part of him hadn't been blown away... Yet...