[@Dragoknighte][@rivaan][@Remipa Awesome][@Rapid Reader][@Lewascan2] To reiterate my sentiments from the Announcements section in the Avonshire Discord: This will mostly be a posting round to establish marching order and get in some travel conversation, if that's your thing. Make plans for when you get to the Township, discuss bread recipes, braid each other's hair, discuss your backstories, whatever. If you have plans for specific things, great! Let me know and I'll pass along what your nefariousness has gotten you. We'll get in a roll for random encounters, have lunch, you know - make a day of it. Past this we get to the fun stuff. Because of the holidays, everyone has a two day extension. Feel free to post as much as you want to, being as we're talking dialogue and travel time, but don't feel rushed. Maybe work on a collab or two with your fellow players. You've got some more wiggle room now. To clarify: 9 day counter this posting round. And have a Merry Christmas. Or Blessed Yule. Whatever works for you. In short, have fun with the next round of posting, do whatever you need to do (within reason) because after the holidays have more or less passed, we're hopping into the meat of out little adventure. Thank you for sticking with this, I'm glad you decided to join me on whatever manner of story this turns into - adventure, fantasy, horror, crime drama - or some unholy mixture of the four with a few extra ingredients.