[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/zSPQrw2/Daphne-header-avi-3.png[/img] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjg4LmIwZWM5MS5Ubmx0Y0dnLjA/nebulo.demo.png[/img][/center] [color=Lightgreen][b]Location:[/b][/color] Outside of the submarine [color=Lightgreen][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] Mirage [hr] Kassy's strong voice cut through the comms, snapping Daphne out of her state of shock. Imagining her facing a giant squid by herself spurred her into action. She rushed to the back of the submarine and quickly pressed on a button to release her diving suit from a pod. It felt like it took forever to change into it. She put on the helmet last and lowered her trembling hands. Her team mates were also getting themselves ready to head topside. Adrenaline and fear were mixing together into a very unpleasant sensation throughout her entire body, but idea of something bad happening to Kassy outweighed all of that. There was one upside to her anxiety, it made her remember what to do in case of an emergency. They had to get into the escape trunk compartment which was the only way to safely exit the submarine. Daphne looked for the drain valve and grabbed it with both hands. She pulled and pushed, not sure which way to turn it. It wasn't budging and the added weight of her equipment made it heavier to operate. She kept at it until it suddenly opened. The pressure inside the escape trunk started to equalize. The display above the valve turned green signaling it was ready for passengers to enter. Daphne immediately closed the valve, pushing against it with her entire body weight. [color=Lightgreen]"We're on our way Mirage, we should be out in a couple of minutes."[/color] Daphne answered on comms. She followed Aleen'a, Zach and Kila up through the lower hatch, shutting it behind them. The valve on top of them would let the sea water inside. Daphne checked her equipment one more time. Her suit was designed to be less bulky. She didn't need the extra armor, allowing for a more streamlined design. The separate pieces were easily removable in case she needed to access her powers underwater. Her biggest fear would be to drown but both her suit and her powers protected her from that. One of the experiments her dad and her tried was to decrease the amount of oxygen when inside a test room. She survived with less than 10% oxygen just fine. That would definitely be useful now. Aleen'a opened the seawater valve easily with her enhanced strength. The water immediately rushed inside, filling the room. She expected a rush of cold but the suit made it barely noticeable. Daphne took a firm grip on the ladder and pulled her body from the water logged floor. She was going to open the escape hatch at the top. More water rushed in and outside of the submarine Daphne immediately entered into the black mist she saw through the window. Not being able to see where she was going and the threat of a giant squid sent shivers through her spine. [color=Lightgreen]"Mirage I'm out, but I..."[/color] Out of nowhere a giant tentacle swooped over her head. Daphne screamed and swam into a random direction. She kept going until the black mist started to clear. She spotted Mirage's bright orange tail and rushed to her side. [color=Lightgreen]"Are you okay?"[/color] Daphne asked worried. It was still incredibly difficult to get a real sense of the size of the squid. Judging from the size of the tentacles it was at least the size of the submarine. Daphne stayed close to Mirage and fought the urge to grab her hand. [color=Lightgreen]"Alright I'm here. how are we going to do this? I'm....what do you need me to do?"[/color]