[Color=beige] [Center][img]https://i.imgur.com/YgTOnqC.jpg[/img][/center] [Color=tan]Time:[/color] Morning [Color=tan]Location:[/color] Myriamor [Color=tan]Interactions:[/color] Leaf [@Helo] [Color=tan]Mentions:[/color] [Hider=Equipment:] Pocket watch Black stetson [url=https://64.media.tumblr.com/21f1e1e3d737953a7eb5c90eaed2eb5a/09205ac0ff7c20ac-38/s1280x1920/4c19d54eed512d8aa48cc7ebcd6bab9b6ea3ccca.jpg]Hat and Cowl[/url] [url=https://imgur.com/2ip8Ivk]Black Duster Outfit[/url] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/6b/ff/91/6bff91839f0ab36a720ef727d55848b3.jpg]Repeating Crossbow[/url] 12 Iron Bolts One-horse open sleigh Hunting knife Rope Saddlebag Black neckerchief Tinder box Canteen Matches Two Gold nuggets $40 [/hider][hr] Slick was a bit stiff as he eyed the cheetah, but the cheetah-man put him at ease. He was both polite and informed him that the cheetah was nothing to be fearful of. Slick had only seen pictures of the creatures. All he knew was that they were as wild as a mountain lion and they were mighty fast. The animal didn’t seem interested in either of them and walked off, further calming Slick. Watching Star walk off, he realized something. [color=tan][i]Kuroi… Kuroi is a fox-man with a [b]fox[/b] and this fella is a cheetah-man with a damned [b]cheetah[/b]... Could there be a… Could there really be… a horse-man that has a horse?[/i][/color] The question would just have to linger in the back of Slick’s mind, especially since the cheetah-man started up a bit of conversation with him. The compliment made on his newly acquired crossbow, made Slick nod smuggly. He was then assured that an apology wasn’t needed and asked where he was headed. Even though Leaf was of a different race, he gave off the impression of younger man than himself [color=tan]“First things first. If you get an apology from me, I recommend you just take it ‘cause who knows when the hell you might get another from a guy like myself. Secondly, I like your manners. The compliment was good, and reassuring me about your cheetah friend was good too, but you gotta learn to introduce yourself with that charm you got there. Like so… The name’s Slick and it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m also on my way to the Sturdy Stables to buy me a horse that makes this here crossbow look like a syphilis-scabbed whore’s face at the break of dawn.”[/color] He let loose a light chuckle before motioning the young Demi-human with a head nod to walk with him. [color=tan]“And what were you up to? You and everyone else in this desert town seem quite relaxed considering there’s a war happenin.’”[/color] Slick wanted conversation, but also some perspective and information. If humans were being hunted, Slick needed to get an idea of what the folk here thought of humans. It was something he learned to do on the frontier. Some towns were proud of being as lawful as could be. A guy like him couldn’t stick around for long in places like that. The ones with less restrictions presented a different sort of danger. Someone could shoot you dead with ease, but it was usually for something personal from Slick’s experience. Sure, there was no trust in the realm of the lawless, but there was some level of respect for your fellow man. [/Color]