[quote=@Dark Cloud][i]when[/i] exactly in the chronology are we? Is this pre-Blood of Elves? Or during the aftermath of Baptism of Fire where the conflict with the empire came to pitch?[/quote] Good question and, in truth, I haven't decided, yet. That decision will certainly be a part of Step 2. In this stage, I just wanted to see if there are enough interested people to justify putting forth the effort to build this game. Since this is a campaign leaning toward the linear, but still open to unplanned events, it means I've got a lot of work to do once it is decided that we're going to move forward. Afterward, once it is built, I'll get the OOC up to explain further and flesh out more of the pertinent lore, bestiary, playable character perimeters and spell out some more information about what to expect once the game starts. As represented in the tags, I'm really only looking for a small group (maximum of 5 players) and I really want players who are excited about the adventure we're about to go on. I want to avoid drops at all cost and, because of that, there will be a light screening process. Not all applicants will be accepted and first come is not necessarily first served, so to speak. That said, I really look forward to seeing if we can get a great group of interested players together so I can start getting to work!