[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/PJVn13TQ/What-If-Logo.png[/img][/center][hr][center][@Morose][@Nallore][@Kirah][/center][hr] [h3]Entering the city streets[/h3] [color=silver]"Alright, to the skies I go again, try not to cause too much trouble while I'm up in the air okay?"[/color] she said with a bit of an eye roll, before her wings sprouted again and she flew off into the air. Soaring above the city and it's buildings, the site of desolated buildings, as well as what looked to still be dead bodies littering the streets made her a bit sick, but she pushed those thoughts out of her mind. Her eyes were focused on trying to spot anyone or anything that might be useful, and hopefully not be seen. Thalia flew a little ways away from where Jade and Ed were, and she saw a few things that stuck out to her with regards to everything. The first thing, was the building that clearly seemed to be a headquarters of sorts for the Brotherhood. It was understandable how no one on the outside would have easily noticed it, with all of the chaos that occurred, any ship flying overhead would easily be taken out. It was several blocks away from where they were in one direction, almost directly in the heart of the city. However, as she looked she also noticed a building that looked like it had very recently been destroyed, as in, [i]very[/i] recently. From this distance, all she could tell was that there were a few people over there, but that was about it. Going into a bit of a nosedive as she circled back around and landed right by Jade and Ed once more. [color=silver]"Alright, there is still a chance that I was seen, however I wasn't immediately attacked, so we should be fine for now. More directly in the heart of the city there is a building that Magneto clearly has claimed as his central HQ. Plus the surrounding area seems to be a sort of mini city within the main city. Where his goons seem to live. We're on the outskirts of that by several blocks. However, a bit closer to where we are a building seemed to have been recently demolished, and what looked to be a fight of sorts going on nearby, but was too far away to easily see what was going on over there."[/color] she reported with a bit of a shrug, letting the other two know what all she had seen from the sky. [color=silver]"As far as I can tell, we can go see what all is going on over there, or go and try to sneak into the central part of the city and look around what seems to be the main hub for Magneto and his group. What do you two think?"[/color] [h3]Pile of Rubble[/h3] As predicted, the vines that Mary had used to wrap around Sabretooth to hold him back snapped, and Sabretooth was free once more. He instantly made a grab for the group that had been unburying people in the rubble now, but Pietro decided to race forward and knock Sabretooth over, causing some form of distraction again. Of course, it resulted in pissing him off, and Sabretooth proceeded to jump back up onto his feet and charge at the speedster, and sadly for Pietro, he wasn't fully paying attention to everything and got tackled to the ground by him. Mary figured the others were doing alright with digging people out, so she sent vines back at Sabretooth in an attempt to get him off of the speedster. She missed him rather horribly with her first attempt, however she managed to whirl the vines around to slam into him on the backswing so to speak and she knocked him off of Pietro now. [color=007236]"Stay down already Sabretooth, this is getting a little ridiculous and old!"[/color] she snapped, clearly more then a bit annoyed with this entire situation. [color=7ea7d8]"Yeah, we aren't even the ones responsible for the building collapsing, that was Boom Boom being an idiot,"[/color] Pietro added, as he got up, he had a few scrapes and scratches from Sabretooth's attack. Lance was really glad to be unburied, and now that he could see his injuries, it was easier to assess what likely was wrong, hopefully anyway. Both he and Carolina he could easily tell had injuries that likely had some form of internal bleeding and needed to be dealt with [i]very[/i] quickly, otherwise that likely would end up in them dying, but that was just a basic assessment on the idea of injuries one likely would sustain from rubble and rocks falling and crushing you. Glancing at Carolina, he was a little surprised that she was standing, but he didn't immediately say anything about it. Honestly, he hadn't even noticed that there was rubble that was insanely heavy pinning him to the ground and crushing his legs, there should have been some sort of indicator right? Wait a minute... Without even thinking, or saying anything to respond to people asking if he's alright, a small thing of light appeared in his hand, it wasn't enough to cause anymore actual injury, but enough that it [i]should[/i] cause a sharp pain when poked with it. With that in hand, he stabbed down and hit his leg with it, and he didn't even flinch from what should have been a sharp stabbing pain. [color=yellow]"...I can't move, I can't..."[/color] he said, before taking a deep breath as he tried to think for a moment. [color=yellow]"Ok, so there are a few possibilities um, either it could be temporary, caused by a sudden jolt or partial tear to the spinal cord that can heal after a while. Or be permanent where that incident caused the spinal cord to be completely severed or something like that um..."[/color] Yeah his brain was trying to go through the whole [i]what the hell to do now[/i] thing given the fact that he could not stand up or walk or anything. He likely could fly around by surrounding himself with light, but honestly, he likely wasn't going to be of much help or use currently, since he was kind of panicking. Of course, they all currently were in a pile of rubble with Sabretooth wanting to take them all out, since despite what Mary and Pietro were saying towards him, it seemed like Sabretooth wanted to deal with the people who [i]weren't[/i] attacking him, since they were easier targets. For some strange reason he didn't seem to like Cass, as he jumped at Cass once again, and tackled her. Of course, he wasn't able to pin her easily as Cass would be able to knock him off of her, but Sabretooth growled at the entire group. Some people just did not know when to quit.