[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/310568770764537869/924159778027102208/Hempos2Re.png[/img][/center] [@twave] [hr] There was definitely chatter going on while he had been explaining. Someone with a bright voice, but a signature hard to read. Not Human. At all. The color was that of a kaleidoscope. A prism of bending colors, and always shifting. It’s hard to tell with these things what he is sensing, often. Pulling his attention from the Prism. Actually waiting for others to input their thoughts, though they all seemed distracted. So eager to escape. So impatient about their situation and then when a solution arises, they are an easily distracted bunch. Something about aliens. And electrocution. Meanwhile, he is trying to deduce through his limited sense the layout of the room. Feeling it. Trying to connect to it. Everything here is remarkably cold and smooth. But he gets the distinct impression that there is a network, somewhere, that’s hard to determine and he is snapped out of his thoughts when the Magnet, [color=6ecff6]"I would need to hear more of this plan first. What can you do exactly?" [/color] He realizes that it is directed towards him. After all he's the one who presented the idea to the Magnet about the handcuffs, and while he admits he was vague about seizing control of the machine, he thought the answer was somewhat obvious. Lying dormant in it’s capabilities. [color=00a99d]“I didn’t know I was supposed to bring a resume,”[/color] Hemlock remarks firstly with a small smile,[color=00a99d]“I rather keep some of my cards to myself, however, if I must convince you - I have a laundry list of things I can hack. Get me the ability to access a way into the systems and I can trick the security. Make the cameras go blind. Disrupt the communication devices if need be, and delay the alarm trigger. There is a lot more I can do, however, I don’t feel the need to boast about it.” [/color] He pauses. Deciding on whether or not he should say anything further. Turning his attention away for a second. Perhaps he shouldn’t add the last bit. However, it might be imperative to also demonstrate that he’s not a frail blind man. In areas like this, his expertise, he was certain in his capabilities. Defiance of a circumstance doesn’t get results. He had already figured that cooperation in the end was going to be the best solution. He came into adding to this plan to works with others, though there was always going to be those who had their own ideas.