Happy Boxing Day from the Cargo Bay! We hope that all of you had a wonderful Christmas with your friends and loved ones! We're also excited by the Holiday AU pieces many of you have posted to the OOC thread. While we enjoy seeing what you bring to each episode, it's a real blast to read the product of your imaginations. As mentioned earlier, Wolf and I will move the clock forward on Episode 3. Day 2 on Greenleaf will officially kick off MONDAY, 12/27. If you've got additional Day 1 posting you'd like to get up, we encourage you to post before turning in tonight. One JP we're aware of won't be ready in time, so I've already posted a place holder. If you're in similar straits, feel free to do likewise. So, lots of activity on Day 2! The Skyes embark on their latest heist. Yuri realizes that his future is in the hands of a "shuttle chaser." Alana's pulling stitches and prescribing sound advice. Father Collins will arrive. Hook has dropped hints about visiting a professional. Cal and Pen will get the skinny on our next job from their new best friend, Hafez Nadal. And Abby, wild child that she is, has plans to go shopping for headphones. Lots to write, and always a joy to read. Remember that we're leaving OOC open to AU posting through Sunday, 1/2. I've got more to write there, and I hope y'all are having as much fun there as I am. Enjoy your holidays, and stay safe into the new year. Wolf and sail