[center][hr][hr][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjExNi5hNDFiMWIuVVhWaFpISmguMQ/cabin-sketch.regular.webp[/img] [b]Location:[/b] Sadie's Apartment [b]Interactions:[/b] Sadie [hr][hr][/center] Another day has come and gone. Work at Fine Choice was simple as always, stacking the shelves through her 9-5. Could Katiya do better?....Perhaps. But she appreciated the simplicity of her job, leaving her mind open to more pressing concerns of hers. Such as now, crouched in her small room of the apartment, writing in a red-bound journal superbly close to her face, handling a pencil that looked more like a toothpick in her hand. [color=9e0039]"December 28th, 2025. Still no luck. The common crooks we find are lacking in information, as always. Perhaps even more than before. I still have no answers...But I will find something. Maybe not tonight, or tomorrow, or even next year. But I will find something. Ya tebya lublu, mama & papa. I will find you."[/color] She was stirred from her writing by shouting from her roommate and fellow Mutant Sadie Eran, with claims of pizza arriving. As if in response, her stomach growled as Katiya gave a small laugh. Well, that was that. Putting up her journal, she shouted out. [color=9e0039]"I am coming!"[/color] Audible struggling could be heard. Needless to say, New York apartments weren't made with someone like her in mind, but she took it in stride, crawling her way through her door, through the living room, and into the kitchenette crouched next to her companion. [color=9e0039]"Mm. Is that so? You have good taste, so I'm sure it is good. Here, plate."[/color] Casually reaching into one of the higher shelves of the kitchenette with her upper set of arms, she grabs the both of them plastic plates. From Fine Choice, of course. With that, she went about snatching two slices of the all-meats and two from the supreme, getting them situated on her plate before she begins digging in. No words were spoken as she cleaned through her first slice, but she gave a nod of approval. It was certainly as good as Sadie had claimed. As she got to the next, however, Katiya spoke up. [color=9e0039]"Any leads tonight, or will it be one of those goose hunts again?"[/color]