[h2][center][u][b][color=0076a3]Léon Reverdin[/color][/b][/u][/center][/h2] [i]Animal skull helmet, human skull staff, that must be our necromancer,[/i] Léon thought to himself as the uniquely attired goblin came into view. They needed to move fast, as the necromancer was already casting another spell of reanimation, raising the goblins that they had just killed. There was still a bit of distance to traverse, He didn't get a lot of time to get a good look at it, though, because Neffy cast a spell conjuring a shroud of mist, obscuring both her and their target from Léon's view. While his powers over water would probably allow him to dispel or shift the mist so it wasn't in his way, he didn't want to risk interfering with whatever plans Neffy had. Instead, he would make his way around the fog and attempt to flank the necromancer. He rested his hammer on his shoulder and used his free hand to draw his scepter, which he used to fire another torrent of water at whatever goblins were in his path. Killing them seemed pointless as long as the necromancer was alive- they'd get back up regardless of whether they were dead or alive- and at this moment he just needed to move them out of his way so he'd have a path to the necromancer's right flank. Once he was through, he'd holster his scepter so he could wield his hammer with both hands. It'd mean he'd have to fight the necromancer without full use of his magic, but with goblins on every side, he didn't want to be without a weapon that could be swung in a wide arc.