[center][img] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/654438713455149084/873479307715051540/image.png[/img][sub][color=goldenrod]Interaction[/color] | Rain AKA [@FunnyGuy] Mirage AKA [@Mistress Dizzy] Zatara AKA [@Crimson Flame] [color=goldenrod]Location[/color] | Atlantic Ocean, Submarine [/sub][/center][hr]Kila paced briefly between windows to see if anything gave him a clearer indication of what was happening outside. Meanwhile, he overheard the Speech Devil’s comment about it likely ‘just being a Lovecraftian horror’. Recalling the chronicled series about old world monsters, Kila briefly considered the possibility. Although Zatara had sarcasm in tone, The Meta couldn’t decipher the level of which. Given the world they lived in, and how little he knew about magic being fact or fiction; [color=goldenrod]”Potentially…”[/color] More relieved to hear Kassy’s voice come from the outside, his expression quickly became more stern. So, it was a giant squid that seemed to be attacking their transport. That seemed difficult to topple, but The Meta paid attention to their team leader’s words carefully. The sharpness of her tone indicated urgency, and…strangely, he felt a palpitation ripple through his chest, not in fear but admiration? There would be time to address that later. For now, he was assigned to the outside team. As such, he went to quickly assemble and quickly equipped the armoured wetsuit from earlier. While he did, Kila readied his mind for the strategy necessary for underwater combat. He didn’t quite have any ranged weapons, and he couldn’t rely on the animal abilities that he didn’t quite understand. Perhaps his role would be in providing on the field tactics opposed to direct conflict. He clicked Iwisa’s gauntlets into place on the suit’s arms and momentarily closed eyes, asking Anansi for wisdom. On his way to the hatch, he felt another rumble and quickly jogged to the front. When he got there, Kila opened his mouth to say something to Talon but walked in on Viktor condescending to him instead. He didn’t care much to comment on their dynamic right now, but he did take note of Rain’s last phrase. Regardless, The Meta stepped up behind Talon. [color=goldenrod]”Once we’re all outside, it would likely be best to maneuver out of the ink cloud, less damage to the vehicle…and only prepare to use lethal force if [i]Mirage[/i] deems necessary.”[/color] Kassy’s wingman stated bluntly on his way out, pressing two fingers into Rain’s chest firmly as he did so. As he understood the assignment from their team leader, she specifically said to “chase off” the squid, not to kill it. Kila was no stranger to killing being a means to an end. However, this just appeared to be Rain micromanaging opposed to focusing on his own given task. That was not only less useful, but detracting from the team’s cohesion. Climbing up through the hatch and following Brightheart directly, he propelled himself out right after her. For a second, he let the other two get out so that he could reclose the hatch. Just after Kila slammed it shut and twisted, he heard Nymph scream. Before he could look around or even start swimming in a direction, a strong impact clapped his back. A brief explosion of rushing water came to his ears as he was knocked out of the squid ink cloud. Thankfully, his suit absorbed what he assumed was a majority of the blow as he only felt a minor aching across his upper-back and and neck. He took a deep breath to steady himself, extending his arms. There was a faint screeching that he still heard, but he was sure the ringing in his head would lay off soon. For now, he swam the perimeter of the ink cloud until he could get a wide view of it. That way, he could see his teammates and the squid’s approximate location in the same field of view. [color=goldenrod]”I am clear of the ink. Mirage, what do you know that deters squids?”[/color]