[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Ji9xQnY.jpg?1[/img] [color=9e0b0f]Time:[/color] [color=silver]Morning[/color] [color=9e0b0f]Location:[/color] [color=silver]Aldrakh[/color] [color=9e0b0f]Interactions:[/color] [color=silver]Astra [@FunnyGuy][/color] [color=9e0b0f]Mentions:[/color] [/center] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/610964561553522698/610974769193418753/rgrgr.png[/img] At first, when Astra began to talk with Myra, she thought Astra was going to scold her again, but when she mentioned she was proud of her, Myra immediately looked at her, confused about what she meant by 'knowing Vrexen would die'. While Vrexen didn't seem to care that much about his own safety nor he seemed to have any instinct to protect himself and kept throwing himself into dangerous situations which could get him wounded or worse, he did say earlier that he 'couldn't die', which, if it was true, would explain why he acted like that. Such an idea of not being able to die was very strange for Myra though. She wondered wether that was true and how he knew that. No matter how much Myra thought about it, the only way she could think of knowing if one could die or not was... Well... by testing, which was something Myra definitely didn't want to do. As long as Myra was with Vrexen, it was true that she wouldn't exactly be safe. Not only Vrexen didn't really care about his own safety, but he was very unstable and dangerous and had a tendency of dragging others to dangerous situations with him. Astra in the other hand was a bit more reasonable. Plus, she did show them how useful the shinies, "amas" as she called them, were. Being able to get them tasty food and soft places to sleep. As they walked through the town, soon entering the market bazaar area, Myra's thoughts were interrupted when a strange orc woman, suddenly asked Astra something about Myra, gesturing towards her. Wary, Myra carefully watched the orc woman's movements as she talked with Astra. Even though she was being rather reasonable, Myra knew how violent the green-skins could be. At first, Myra had no idea of what they were talking about but as soon as they started mentioning Amas, Myra soon connected the pieces and realized that the thing the orc woman was trying to trade was Myra herself and much to Myra's dismay, Astra wasn't really opposed to the idea as long as the orc woman gave her more shinies. With a shocked expression, Myra looked back and forth between Astra and then the orc woman, hissing towards the orc woman before they walked away and turning her head away from Astra, clearly mad at Astra for having tried to sell her.