Thin, spindly pedipalps scrapped again the ground around Scri'erk inquisitively probing the areas where her poor vision failed to fill the gaps. Her low hunkered body easily fit into a large gash in the wall where an earth tremor long ago likely split the walls. It hardly mattered to the large bug hiding in her newest trap. A large web she held with her front claws concealed her body and allowed her to use her longer appendages to check her various webs to see if a meal had been caught. She had gone nearly two days now since her last catch. Perhaps she needed to innovate once more. Her train of thought was cut off as around her the earth shook again and again, getting increasingly more intense. Her pedipalps curled in to join the rest of her in fear, she had this happen every couple of weeks or so. All the webs she sprawled out would be ravaged, all because of a foolish denizen of the Everdark. As the tremors reached their crescendo, Scri'erks eyes struggled to watch the bane of her existence bumble on by. As the golem walked by her, Scri'erk scurried after it, eager to give the major pain in her Thorax a piece of her mind. Unfortunately, her low-crawling steps were nothing to the long legs of her adversary and she was struggling to keep up. Only when they stopped in an abandoned house did she reach them. [color=SlateGray]"Broke webs! Traps gone!"[/color] Scri'erk rasped. Mimicking language was not something she was great at, but over time she had learned to speak the common tongue of the underdark. Plenty of practice with those stuck in her webs gave her the skill, but it made her throat hoarse to do. [color=SlateGray]"Webs mine! Don't broke!"[/color]