[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/211026/2fa824f924551f188d324871dac46e40.png[/img][/center] [hr] Franz usually slept without trouble. For someone with a noisy mind, he found no issue drifting away into a calm, peaceful slumber. Which is why it caught him by surprise to wake up in need of catching his breath. It stunk in here, a far cry from what it was like that night. He could hear the vulgar language of other students coming from the hall. It didn’t take long for Franz to put together what had happened. The fog had rolled in and drenched everything. Whoops. Putting part of his shirt over his nose, Franz addressed Ryuuko. But he kept his voice quiet enough so only she could hear. [b][color=a2d39c]“If I had known that it would turn out like this, I would have just spent the night outside”[/color][/b] Franz joked. [b][color=a2d39c]“If you are going to freshen up first, I’ll see what I can do about this mess.”[/color][/b] It had been quite a while since Franz had done any cleaning. In the Polymath academy, he was in the lap of luxury while he spent as much time as possible on his studies. Then again, it's not like he had to deal with prevailing nightly fog at the academy either. It was time to put in some due effort. The housekeeping would likely clean up the mess later anyway, but it was a way to pass the time. Franz appreciated a clean room. A little bit of elbow grease and some very minor feats of Dynamicism made some quality progress before Ryuuko finally exited the bathroom. It still had a lot to go, but it was enough for now. [b][color=FF0000]"Hey Franz, I'm going to go out and see what that announcement is all about. As for the room, well... We'll see later, I guess." [/color][/b] [b][color=a2d39c]“Yes, I am quite interested in that announcement as well. But don’t let me hold you up, I’ll need you to fill me in on the details later if I’m late.”[/color][/b] Franz stated as he begun packing away the cleaning tools and took out clothes from his bag. [b][color=FF0000]"Anyway, I'll see you later!"[/color][/b] [b][color=a2d39c]“Yes, see you later. Hopefully I’ll see you at the announcement if you don’t get lost in the crowd.”[/color][/b] Franz wished her goodbye before taking his time in the bathroom. He was thorough in washing himself. He would not disgrace himself with a sea stench as he went to meet his fellow students on the second day. On his departure, Franz made no note of the disgruntled students around him. Simply put, he didn’t care much for their complaints. When he exited the ryokan he stood outside for a while taking large, heavy breaths. Sea breath was unbecoming for someone of his repute. There was one stop due before the library, the radio station. For ease of communication, there are people who write down messages on paper. Franz walked in nonchalantly and received a letter that was due to him. It was a simple message of good luck from his mother and father. At least, that's how it would appear. In truth, the message was an impossible cipher of his own creation. The details of which are only known to a select few in the Polymath academy. His new mission was detailed and clear. Franz couldn’t help but show a wide smile upon exiting. Not only would he be completing the mission, but also settling a playful curiosity of his in the process. [hr] Franz was lucky to have been blessed with height at an early age. He had arrived later than most and only just made it in time as the demonstration began. A crowd of over one thousand stood in front of him. He could just make out what had happened in the distance. The Central Monument Library was little but ash and stone. And judging by the detained feminine figure with blonde hair, Franz had his own estimates on who the culprit was. But he would move closer through the crowd to get into earshot. Indeed, to Franz’s utter lack of surprise, it was Jeanne who was the attention of this meeting. The fire witch of France was on trial for burning down valuable tomes and texts of a grand library. A man, no, a boy in man’s clothing was giving a public prosecution. Sure, he made a big talk about trials. But he seemed more concerned with condemning her here and now. There was something Franz didn’t like about the guy. Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre. Franz was now near the front of the crowd and had a good look at him. He was around the age of everyone else here. But it was apparent he let his station get to his head. Wearing certain clothes, speaking in that way, keeping the authoritative demeanor he did. Maximilien thought he was above everyone else, didn’t he? Franz thought. Or more egregious, he thought he was better than Franz. As the speech of his went on, Franz’s brow furrowed more and more. The details were off, things about what he was saying weren't adding up. Certainly the obvious culprit was Jeanne. Franz didn’t need a photo to tell him that. But the level of condemnation was off. How could he be so sure with so little evidence. Frankly, it all sounded like something Franz himself would try to pull if he wanted Miss Bordeaux out of the picture. [b][color=FF0000]"I would like to volunteer myself for this task, Mr. Robespierre."[/color][/b] Franz recognized that voice and looked back to see Ryuuko volunteering. Certainly she would be a good fit to guard Jeanne. He was happy to see her volunteer when no one else would. It almost made Franz not want to do what he was about to do, in fear it would steal her thunder. Almost. [b][color=a2d39c]“Public condemnation. Guilty until proven innocent. Is there anything else you had in mind to bastardise the justice system today, Mr Robespierre?”[/color][/b] Franz took to the front while proclaiming this to him, but loud enough for the crowd to hear. [b][color=a2d39c]“A rush to disgrace a fellow countryman is a very poor show of character. And yet, you do it so easily.”[/color][/b] [b][color=a2d39c]“Miss Bordeaux is the subject of… unfortunate rumors. But is that enough to throw reason out the window? For the process of justice to be ignored?”[/color][/b] Franz got closer to Robespierre in a standoffish way. [b][color=a2d39c]“Are you telling me that some undisclosed person was able to detain Miss Bordeaux and yet did nothing to prevent the fire? I declare this undisclosed figure has committed criminal negligence at best. Perhaps he had a more nefarious role in all this. Or do you suppose Miss Bordeaux waited here for the library to be ashes and then was detained by some selfless hero? That is almost comical.”[/color][/b] [b][color=a2d39c]“One photo does not declare intent or circumstance Mister Robespierre, so I suggest you put away your pitchfork.”[/color][/b] [hr] [@GreenGoat][@Medili]