[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/089b2f6e-85bf-47fc-a7ce-649e8699e678.png[/img][/center][hr][hr][indent]Mira's ears perked up a touch at the sound of the voices behind her. Her gaze lingered on the balcony for a few seconds more, though when nothing changed, she figured it was better to stick to the group. She didn't say much as she turned around, scanning the three boys as she thought to herself. Things were a little strange, granted, but she wondered how this place could have formed so quickly. The last dungeon was barely formed...unless this one wasn't new? Once she collected her thoughts, Mira gestured to the door. [color=lightblue]"This isn't Hell, although the fact that the dungeon has taken on a psyche is...interesting,"[/color] She admitted that much, frowning as she crossed her arms. [color=lightblue]"The last place wasn't fully formed, so to speak, but this one seems complete. It's strange, though...normally when a dungeon forms, the butterfly would have appeared sooner to let us know it was forming. The Shadows seem awfully coordinated, too--there was a figure watching from the balcony."[/color] Despite wanting to figure it out, she was certain they couldn't exactly solve the problem in the first room. [color=lightblue]"Well, it's the same deal as before. Once we defeat the big Shadow, this place should go away and the corruption will lessen,"[/color] She uncrossed her arms, giving the group a shrug. [color=lightblue]"I doubt it'll be as easy as last time, though. Only a few Shadows stood in our way, and there was only one hallway. This place seems more structured, though not too much bigger, thankfully."[/color] They'd likely run into one or two obstacles that couldn't be solved through fighting, but she was confident they would get through easily. What did concern her was the dungeon master--whoever created the place managed to hide it. Only someone with a lot of power could do such a thing. For now, however, she put the thought out of her mind. Turning back to the scene, she frowned as the silhouettes struggled to stay in unison. [color=lightblue]"I don't think disturbing them would be a good idea, but suddenly running in would probably put the attention on us,"[/color] She mused out loud, watching a pack of the silhouettes run around the gym. [/indent][hr][hr]