Hecate floated gently through the crypts. The decaying bodies of her friends filled her with sorrow and she let out another cry. She sighed and moved on, right through a wall. As she emerged on the other side, she saw a man she wanted to avoid at all costs. She had seen him performing rituals before, and magic terrified her. She turned around and went the opposite way, hoping that she wasn't spotted. Before long, she ran into a skeleton rattling through the halls. [color=6ecff6]"Oh. Hello there."[/color] Her voice was quiet and soft, almost difficult to hear. She ascended a little to be out of reach of any attacks, she had been attacked a few times by strangers, though it wasn't too often. A wraith could never be too careful. [color=6ecff6]"I'm not sure we've ever met. My name is Hecate."[/color] Her soft voice trailed through the near silent halls.