[Center][h1][color=crimson][b]100[/b][/color][/h1] [Img]https://i.imgur.com/vgaCXB9.png[/img] [Color=crimson][b]Time:[/b][/color] Morning [Color=crimson][b]Location:[/b][/color] Aldrakh [Color=crimson][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] Myra [@13org] [Color=crimson][b]Mentions:[/b][/color] [hider=Equipment:] [url=https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/2941e5bb-46c5-4e6e-93fc-1e9381c472d6/d7mebdz-3d6adc4b-6d89-4e50-b825-0917010df7d0.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzI5NDFlNWJiLTQ2YzUtNGU2ZS05M2ZjLTFlOTM4MWM0NzJkNlwvZDdtZWJkei0zZDZhZGM0Yi02ZDg5LTRlNTAtYjgyNS0wOTE3MDEwZGY3ZDAuanBnIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.zxJolAcl0JPErFOEdTIqa0YyfLLv-qz06f0axXHsN3Q]Outfit (left)[/url][/hider][/center][hr] With his declaration of wanting to please his mother, Lilith, Vrexen advanced forward, using all four limbs to sprint into the wilderness to find his prey. His third eye pulsed, but could not locate the dwarfs that naturally lacked magic. Still he advanced with the desire to inflict violence against them. He moved swifter than any Orc could while using the shade of the trees and brush to push forward. The scouts were spread thinly but were armed and equipped with both chainmail and leather. Things appeared to be normal until… [color=crimson][i]I SEE YOU![/i][/color] The thought burned through Vrexen’s psyche as a Dwarven scout appeared in his line of sight. The Dwarf had no idea what the creature was that charged towards him, but he knew it only spelled danger. With a lance gripped tightly in his hands, the dwarf positioned himself to stab Vrexen through the chest as he charged. [color=crimson]“I!”[/color] The lance plunged through his chest before he gripped the Dwarf’s biceps with his crazed grin. He spat up blood into the soldier's face. [color=crimson]“CANNOT DIE!”[/color] Vrexen roared as he pulled on the Dwarf’s arms while increasing his own size. With the Dwarf screaming in pain as his arms were torn from their sockets. Vrexen was disappointed the armor prevented him from tearing the Dwarf in half like the fleeing slave at the Malthemoor port. The body hit the ground allowing Vrexen to grab the bleeding armless body by one of its legs and throw it at another scout who was too late in rescuing his comrade. Vrexen cackled as he clumsily ran forth on his hind legs with the lance still in his chest. Before meeting the next Dwarf, Vrexen pulled the lance from his chest and forced it into the gut of the next Dwarf, forcing it through the chainmail. Vrexen held the Dwarf’s body up on the spearhead, having the soldier slowly die while being suspended. Vrexen relished his death by tilting his head at the soon-to-be corpse, but a sharp slash from a sword to the back of his left knee caused him to fall into a kneel. [color=snow]“GET HIS HEAD!!!!!!!”[/color] The dwarf shouted before being backhanded into a nearby tree. Another Dwarf that aimed to deal the decapitating blow was caught in the air by Vrexen’s impaling claws. [color=crimson]“Violence… VIOLENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”[/color] Vrexen threw the impaled dwarf headfirst into the ground. His leg had begun to heal allowing him to stand up again with a sinister grin still on his face. He felt the kiss of a crossbow bolt hit him square in the forehead which only made his grin grow wider. [color=crimson]“COWARDS! Ahahahaha! Come to me! AVENGE your companions! DO NOT LET THEM DIE SO EASILY!”[/color] Vrexen turned to the Dwarf he had backhanded. He was still a bit dazed, which only caused Vrexen to chuckle as more bolts pierced his back. [color=crimson]“I will not.”[/color] Vrexen with one hand gripped the dwarf by the helmet. [color=crimson]“Let them.”[/color] And then he squeezed. His body flinched and jumped a bit as crossbow bolts continuously pierce his back, but it did not impede his actions. His other hand clasped on the other side of the Dwarf’s helmet. [Color=crimson]“ESCAPE MY VIOLENCE!”[/color] He crushed the Dwarf’s helmet and his skull with it. He immediately turned to his ranged attackers. The same toothy grin spread across his face before sprinting forward at frightening speeds on all fours. His right eye was pierced by a bolt causing him to roar in pain but he continued advancing until he swiped at one of the Dwarf crossbowmen, making him fall over in a bit of a tumble. He grabbed the Dwarf off the ground and slammed him into a boulder with a deafening CRACK. This only caused the demon to break out in a hysterical laughter as he was fired upon by others in the woods. He gave the dwarf a second swing into the boulder for good measure. [color=crimson]“Mother! Bear witness! BEAR WITNESS!”[/color] He sprinted past another Dwarf while performing a sharp turn in order to tail whip him so hard he tumbled a great distance away before awkwardly crashing into a tree stump. The last of the Dwarven scouts willing to engage, charged Vrexen with a lance. The demon admired his bravery, but his weakness… It was unbearable. Vrexen took the hit to his left shin with a wince before using two fingers to push the Dwarf back. [color=crimson]“Keep fighting!”[/color] Vrexen roared as the other scouts ran to their mountain goats to make a quick escape. They would report the sighting of a demon on the side of Malthemoor and Aldarakh. [color=darksalmon]“FACE MY WRATH!”[/color] The brave dwarf roared with all his heart… not knowing the last word he shouted would grant him a gruesome death. [sub][color=crimson][i]Wrath…[/i][/color][/sub] [h3][color=crimson][i]WRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATH?!?!?!?![/I][/color][/h3] Vrexen caught the lance by letting it pierce his palm with one hand before backhanding the Dwarf with enough force to separate him from his weapon. As the Dwarf hit the ground, Vrexen removed and tossed the lance away before balling his fists. He stood over the Dwarf,visibly breathing heavily. With a grunt, Vrexen slammed his right fist down into the Dwarf’s torso. The armor was strong, but Vrexen cared little as he slammed down with his left fist. Then his right again. He continued again and again until he completely caved in the Dwarf’s torso. [Color=crimson]“VIOLENCE!”[/color] Again he struck the Dwarf. [color=crimson]“VIOLENCE![/color] Again. [color=crimson]“VIOLENCE!”[/color] And again. [color=crimson]“THERE IS NO WRATH HERE! THERE IS ONLY [B]VIOLENCE![/B]”[/color] He continued to bludgeon the dwarf until he was nothing but a crumpled form of blood, steel, and rend flesh. As he stated the Orcs in Aldrakh, there was only one outcome. [hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/211026/f1a61579603cd870a703b52620a841ee.png[/img][/center] [color=plum]“[i]Someone[/i] doesn’t look happy. I guess that makes us even now, huh?”[/color] Astra smirked as she continued towards what appeared to be an Odds and Ends stall. [color=plum]“This shop is pretty nice. Gots all sorts of random shit to buy, which means…”[/color] Astra turned her attention to the Orc trader who towered over her, appearing unhappy with her calling his stock “shit.” She cringed before looking to Myra to continue what she was saying in a more favorable manner. [color=plum]“It means that this is the place we need to go to buy and sell the best stuff found throughout Avalia! For instance, hold on.”[/color] The elf dug unslung her bag and dug into it to pull out a rolled parchment with the painting Myra had stolen on Daka. Unrolling the painting with a fake warm smile, Astra presented the work of Master Marogarth, a great Dark Elven painter from Malthemoor [color=plum]“Remember this?!”[/color] She made eye contact with the Orc that narrowed his eyes at the painting before his eyebrows raised as he spotted the artist’s signature. [color=plum]“Master Marogarth’s stuff runs pretty high outside of Daka, but I gotta make some space in my bag. I’ll give it to you for three quarters of what I purchased it for.”[/color] Knowing full and well she didn’t pay anything for it. She was going to talk about pricing when the echoes of some creature roaring to the west were faintly heard. [color=plum]“Huh?”[/color]