My vote will be going to [b]Writing[/b], definitely my favourite piece of this contest and the one which read with most heart, soul and passion for me. I connected more with this one on an emotional level, and hence it has my vote. As for the other entries, I applaud the panache of [b]absolute minimalism[/b], but would suggest its minimalism is perhaps a bit too absolute, even Hemmingway had his limits. With [b]words[/b], unfortunately I've never been much of a fan of the acrostic form when it comes to poetry, although I suppose its use here is more fitting to the theme than other examples I've come across. I also felt some of the words which formed the acrostic of 'Writing' were somewhat weak choices, your use of 'The' as an example. I think I would have preferred it more if you had stuck to more thematic examples, like you did with the first three lines, which I felt were the strongest in the poem.