[center][h3][u]Within the Caves...[/u][/h3] [@Gentlemanvaultboy] as Yvaine and [@Dark Light] as the Sword(?)[/center] As she finished surveying the camp Yvaine's pointy ears heard the faint sound of clanging blades, the sound of combat deeper down a nearby tunnel. Could someone else have killed the other dark elves? A lost adventurer or someone else entirely? [center]* * *[/center] Deep in the tunnels below two figures had their blades crossed, in the darkness only the dim light of a lantern on the cave floor illuminated the shadows of their faces both grimacing as they tried to overpower one or the other. [color=bc8dbf]"Stop this madness Gwain, haven't you spilt enough blood."[/color] said the one pressed with his back to the wall, in a thick elven accent, to which his aggressor Gwain responded with an unhinged laugh. [color=8493ca]"I haven't even begun yet Vrel, my family will be avenged!"[/color] with a sudden push the maddened man threw the others blade clattering to the side then swung his blade disemboweling the other, blood spattering Gwain's face bearing a disturbing grin. [color=8493ca]"I'll leave you Vrel, although I would have loved to watch you die."[/color] as he left the maddened dark elves laughter echoed behind him leaving the other on the ground raggedly breathing desperately trying to keep his insides from spilling out. Even though it would just make sense to accept it he wouldn't go without a fight because young Vrel was stubborn to the last. Breathing a gurgling sigh the young dark elves eyes drifted to his fallen weapon [color=bc8dbf]"I hope your next wielder-"[/color] he coughed hard into his arm, the spot of red growing on his tunic [color=bc8dbf]"Isn't as shitty a swordsman as I."[/color] Vrel chuckled only to wince in pain. And he laid upon the cold wet cave floor awaiting death, with his sword not far from him.