[hr][center][@Morose][@Nallore][@KazAlkemi][@Kirah][/center][hr][hr][h3][center][b][color=0C5157]The Wrap Up[/color][/b][/center][/h3][hr][hr] Pietro gave Guin a bit of a smile, [color=7ea7d8]"I'm fine Guina,"[/color] he said to her, before he turned to look at Ed as he healed his broken leg. The pain went away for him, and he instantly stood back up off of the ground, more or less tapping his foot a moment, before looking at Ed. [color=7ea7d8]"Seems fine to me, my powers should easily be able to take over and repair it the rest of the way... Thanks for that."[/color] The Warriors Three looked at the group who were all by Forseti, and Volstagg and Hogun each took Forseti by one of the arms. "He will be tried in the courts of Asgard, and we'll alert the All-Father to what has occurred," Hogun said rather calmly. "Be sure, if found guilty he likely will be imprisoned for his crimes for a time, so not to worry," Fandral added, before the three started heading off with Forseti in tow. Lady Sif stuck around for a little while though, not immediately heading off any place, but she nodded her head slightly at Bethany with regards to the stone. "Do not fret, the Queen gave this to me to contain the stone so that no one touches it and its powers are contained," she commented, despite the stone already having a small casing around it, Sif pulled out a small box engraved with runes on it, that she then proceeded to place the stone in before shutting the box. "Part of what took a little while for us to arrive to lend aid, we wanted to ensure that if it was in fact one of the stones that it was contained immediately upon retrieval." Klara looked at Annie, before looking at the Kaiju that she had more or less calmed down, [color=FF17F2]"I mean, I definitely can try, not usually what I'm used to, but sure. We'll see about taking this guy to a nice planet where he can live out the rest of his days, since I doubt my mother will let me keep him here on Asgard,"[/color] she said, before going over, and using water to more or less start surrounding the creature as its injuries began to heal. Over by Ed, Sif touched his arm and more or less pulled him off to the side to the moment a bit abruptly, but she did tend to seem a bit direct about everything. "I have a request... And I trust you, not to mention you appear to be the eldest of the group you are with... Klara is wishing to travel with you all a bit longer, and I am fine with that, however... Keep an eye on her for me please. Something is still a bit strange, she seems fine now, and the words you spoke earlier about this, they still might be true, and I apologize for my outburst with regards to it earlier... Just keep an eye on her for me, please, and if that isn't really my daughter, well, try to figure out [i]who[/i] it is..." she said somewhat softly, keeping her voice down so only Ed could hear her words. [hr][hr][h3][center][b][color=0C5157]Meanwhile Back at the School[/color][/b][/center][/h3][hr][hr] It was a typical day at the Institute, and a class of students was currently chattering away with one another, waiting for Xavier to enter the room. Supposedly there was going to be a guest speaker for the lesson, and many students were speculating who it would be. Eventually, the door opened up, and Xavier rolled in with a familiar red head following rather closely behind him. [color=00aeef]"Good morning students, I'd like to introduce to you all Dr. Jean Grey, who has agreed to speak with you all today."[/color] he said to the group, and Jean waved slightly at everyone. [color=AB0F0F]"Hello everyone. As the professor said, I am Jean Grey and I guess I'm your guest lecturer for the day. I usually like for people to get to know me first. And I know a lot of you have probably heard a lot about me. So if anyone has any questions for me, please, feel free to ask them,"[/color] she said rather calmly, and several hands shot up around the room. [color=AB0F0F]"Wow, that was more than I was expecting, how about you, what's your question?"[/color] she asked, pointing to a girl in the back row of the room. "How did you end up merged with the Phoenix?" the girl asked, and several others in the room nodded in agreement with the question. [color=AB0F0F]"Well that is a difficult question... The team and I were doing a bit of a space mission when the ship that we were on, started crashing. Problem was that the shield protecting the cockpit from the radiation that is out in space wasn't strong enough, it got damaged rather severely. Despite the risks I ended up going to the cockpit and flying the ship myself, and my powers managed to protect me for a while from the radiation, however after a while, it started to effect me... And eventually, subconsciously my mind called out for help, and the Phoenix answered my call. Gave me the strength and together we managed to stop the ship from completely being destroyed on impact, and save everyone on board. Afterwards, the entity decided to stay with me, as it was still healing me from the injuries I received during the entire thing..."[/color] "Oh wow, that must have been hard to deal with, having a strong entity with you the entire time." [color=AB0F0F]"You're right, it was hard, at least at first, but eventually we figured out how to really work together to do everything, and I didn't tend to use the Phoenix's powers too much if I truly didn't have to."[/color] "So what happened when you died? I mean... Everyone knows you died and all and got brought back, so what happened?" Another student instantly blurted out, waving his hand around. [color=AB0F0F]"Well, it is kind of sad really... Myself and the Phoenix, we both got manipulated by a few individuals... And that destroyed the mental blocks that we put in place to prevent the power from potentially over powering me and I guess you could say... Being a corruptive influence... Unfortunately, because of this, that didn't last, and I went dark... However right towards then end, I manage to regain control long enough to use a weapon on myself that just completely destroyed me and my body, releasing the entity, who then revived me a while later."[/color] "Whoa... Do you remember anything from the time you died?" [color=AB0F0F]"...No, I just remember waking back up again,"[/color] she commented. Though in truth she was lying. However the things she saw was more of the reason why she was keeping quiet about it. It was a strange place, a place that was just completely white, and a place where the Phoenix had spoken to her, talking about how all hosts for it leave a part of themselves with her. That place, she didn't really talk about, and only a select few knew about it. After a few moments, she jolted out of her thoughts and looked at the students that were all looking at her waiting for her to start talking again. [color=AB0F0F]"Well that's enough about that, let's get started with the lesson then shall we?"[/color] [hr][hr][h3][center][b][color=0C5157]A Few Months Later[/color][/b][/center][/h3][hr][hr] They had managed to get to use the same ship that Klara had helped them escape from the Kyln in to use, so that was always something. Klara had decided to join the group, at least for the time being anyway, and eventually the group would find themselves heading back home, back to Earth. Thankfully after what had happened with Forseti and such, the Asgardians had helped to explain to the Nova Corps what exactly had happened, and how the group had just ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time. Because of that, they were no longer being chased around the galaxy and were now free to travel. However after several months flying around, they were flying back through space, back towards their home. Of course, there was a bit of a side effect that had been noticed with regards to Forseti destroying parallel universes, and that was there were rifts in reality that were hidden throughout the universe. The Asgardians are attempting to close them all, and the group were told that if they found any to alert them to its location so it could be repaired with magic. Problem was, even though it had been a few months since Forseti was stopped, new rifts were opening up everywhere, as reality was starting to unravel a bit more then was probably healthy. This is where we find the group, on their journey home, flying through space with nothing really happening, when suddenly, the ship would jolt forward a bit all of a sudden, as if it was caught in a gravity rift or something, and it was pulling them forward. There was a bright flash of red light, and everything would start to swirl around the group. [center][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/792e53dfb32b657206e62d22cb3d1de5/tumblr_nqej8hIcvx1txeruoo1_r1_400.gifv[/img][/center] The ship seemed to disappear entirely out from underneath them, and they'd all find themselves scattered about everywhere. [b]Lance, Guin (and her pet lemur thing Amidala) and Annie[/b] would end up falling through the air, before luckily landing in what appeared to be a dumpster in an alleyway. They would just feel a little bit sore, and if they poked their heads out of the dumpster, they'd find themselves looking off in the distance what appeared to be the New York City skyline. One thing seemed a bit apparent, despite it being what looked to be around the middle of the day or something, the city seemed to be a bit quiet. There weren't a whole lot of cars on the road driving along, and there didn't seem to be too many pedestrians on the street either. [color=yellow]"...Okay, this is a little weird to me..."[/color] Lance couldn't help but comment as he got out of the dumpster and dropped down onto the ground. [b]Pietro, Klara and Runa[/b] would end up falling and hitting the ground in what appeared to be a somewhat secluded wooded area. They seemed to be completely alone, at least at the moment anyway with everything that was going on. One thing was obvious, they seemed to be decently far away from where any sort of city. Not to mention it seemed to be eerily quiet, but considering the fact that they were off in the woods away from the city, that shouldn't be too surprising right? [color=7ea7d8]"Well, that was a fun sort of crash landing."[/color] [color=FF17F2]"Usually you'd expect a crash landing to still include you being in the vessel that you had been flying in... Any ideas where we are? Or where the others possibly could have landed?"[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"Place looks a little familiar, but I've been in a lot of wooded areas, so that doesn't necessarily mean anything. As for the others nooooo idea."[/color] [b]Mary, Ed and Bethany[/b] would end up falling into what appeared to be the most familiar of areas to them. They'd all manage to hit what appeared to be a lake, so they were unharmed. However a bit of a tidal wave seemed to appear as the ship they had all been flying in crashed into the lake too, sending a shockwave of water and knocking them closer to shore. Looking out where they ended up, they'd see the all too familiar building of Xavier's Institute off not too far away, and they seemed to have landed in the lake on the property. One thing would be very obvious about the building though, it looked rundown and abandoned from what they'd be able to see from the lake. All three of them would be able to easily get to shore though. [color=007236]"Ok, the possible explanations for what the hell just happened are kind of limited, but at least we didn't get caught in the ship or something, since otherwise right about now, we likely would be drowning..."[/color] Mary commented after they'd all reach shore and she glanced around at the area. [color=007236]"...Well the mansion certainly has seen better days..."[/color]