[img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/772709776295067648/863973712209379338/Riku_3.jpg?width=1342&height=379[/img] ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [color=ed145b]"Knowledge or not, it was still an awful thing you did Runa. You are lucky no one was hurt. You don't seem to care about people putting themselves in danger over what you tell them to do. Just because I want peace doesn't mean I'm on your side."[/color] The princess eyed Runa carefully as she talked up to her, summoning courage to go toe to toe with the elusive woman. Runa's power was still an unknown and that scared the princess but she couldn't let Runa go around and bully Thomas into dangerous schemes either. There was some guilt for herself at joining along, and she was regretting her choice. Conversation began to fade as the crew pressed on further into the heart of the abyss. A dark mist began to settle overtop of them, obscuring vision and leaving Riku to feel stranded and alone when she was only a few feet away from her companions. In this cloaked shroud, a visage of a figure she knew all too well approached her. One of her mother, a figure that brought a storm of emotions ranging from rage, fear, pity, and love all at once. The shock of seeing her made the princess step back and reach for her weapon immediately. Her rational mind told her that Hideya couldn't be here, not now. It was impossible. But the sight of her and the sound of her voice sent shivers down Riku's back. [color=ed145b]"That's not you, mother! You're...you're not real!" [/color] Riku stays defiant, using her scythe as a comfort tool more than any intention to attack. [color=ed145b]"I'm on my own now! Away from you! I'm my own person now so just...go away!"[/color] With that, she'd slash forward at the visage in an attempt to dispel it and cast that image from her mind. [color=ed145b]"Thomas! Runa! Kanbaru! Someone! Are you out there!?"[/color] The princess called out, feeling desperate for help in her panicked moment.