[center][hr][hr][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjExNi5hNDFiMWIuVVhWaFpISmguMQ/cabin-sketch.regular.webp[/img] [b]Location:[/b] Sadie's Apartment/Streets of New York [b]Interactions:[/b] Sadie [hr][hr][/center] No leads. Well, it wasn't very surprising; her and Sadie were far from detective material. Still, it grew irritating that over the past few months, the thugs have seemingly been retracting themselves away from the world....Some might think they were cowering, but Katiya had worse suspicions. Still, that wouldn't change her day-to-day. So she gave her roommate a simple nod to show she was listening, having already cleared her plate and going for seconds. She kept to herself in the kitchenette. Partly because she wasn't interested in binging a show right before their real work began, and also because the living room scarcely had room for her. It wasn't long before Katiya had her fill; the whole meat pizza was nothing but an empty, greasy box, and the supreme was left with only a few meager slices. Still, she went about diligently cleaning up, tearing away at the cardboard pizza boxes for easier disposal while her free set of hands went about zip-locking what was left of their scrumptious dinner and throwing away both their plates (the living room was only a stretch away for her, after all). Shortly after, she watches her friend dart off to her room, no doubt to put on that silly little suit the school gave out to some of the more promising students. Kat had her own too, of course, but...She was never much about things like that. Still, it helped to keep Sadie safe, so she couldn't argue...Even if it [i]did[/i] look a bit ridiculous. This line of thought was only compounded upon when her roomie actually popped out again in her full X-Man garb. Most wouldn't catch it, but the stoic face of Katiya Sokolov twitched with stifled laughter seeing the suit, for only a moment. Being together for two years helps you pick up on things like this. With that, though, Moonjumper said her farewells to 'Quadra'. Kat rolled her eyes. She still wasn't sure what to make of that silly little nickname people had started giving her. Guess they got tired of referring to her as 'that four-armed girl'. It wasn't long after that she began making her way out as well, briefly considering some wintry attire before shrugging it off. It wasn't that cold out there, at least by her standards from home. With a practiced amount of care and precision, Kat wriggled her way through the living room and out to their balcony, finally able to stand up properly in the briskly chill air of an early New York evening. She spent but a moment taking it all in, before getting a firm grasp on the railing, and with a quick breath, hoisting herself over it and landing with a notable thud right by her partner in 'crime', the snow of the street shifting from the weight of her impact as Katiya went about straightening herself again, stretching out before glancing down towards the gravity-defying heroine. [color=9e0039]"So....Where to first?"[/color] [center][hr][hr][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjgwLjYzOThlZS5TRWt0Vms5TVZBLjM/mexcellent.3d.webp[/img] [b]Location:[/b] Rooftops of Queens [b]Interactions:[/b] Open [hr][hr][/center] Who knew roofhopping could be so fun?! Well, Hi-Volt did, that's for sure! The day for Jenna Beltran had been like any other; handle school-work at the university, prep for tests, text her parents about her day, the usual. Later on, at about 8:30, she'd be doing her internship program at STARK Industries 'till 12-ish. But still...She got off of the University and 5, and went to her job at 8:30. What's she do with that small window of spare time, you ask? This. [color=6ecff6]"WOO! HELLO, NEW YORK!"[/color] If someone was paying attention, a streak of light blue crossed the roofs of Queens as this shout came to pass. It was difficult to make out the individual, given how fast they seemed to be moving, but you could catch glimpses of orange and black if you were quick enough. This, of course, was none other than the fledgling new star of the streets of New York, the simply [i]electrifying[/i] Hi-Volt! While she'd only been around for the better half of a year, they were making a splash; not many vigilantes around nowadays had a power as flashy as hers, and she hasn't been afraid to flaunt it! While she herself doesn't seem to mess around with social media, there's certainly a buzz about for this new spark lighting up the Big Apple's dismal nights. Hi-Volt could barely make out the things she was running past, hopping from roof to roof with an electric crackling of the air signifying each leap of faith, her speed blurring things out. But it didn't make it any less exhilarating for her! This was the most she'd tried flexing her speed before, and needless to say from the cheers of joy passing over the air of Queens, she was enjoying stretching this talent of hers. However, she did have to stop eventually to catch her breath....Oh! And actually do the, y'know, vigilante stuff. That was important too. [color=6ecff6]"Phew! Worked up a sweat there...But...I guess...This rooftop's as good as any for looking around!"[/color] She muttered to herself, still gasping for air. She might be fast, but her body wasn't ready for long-distance travel like that... Plopping herself down on the edge of the rooftop, Hi-Volt took in the scenery through the visor of her helm, admiring the snowy landscape while trying to scope out anything big in the works...Though she couldn't help but catch a whiff of something below her. Looking down, she realized she'd stopped right over a pizzeria. Just her luck...Sure, she'd eaten, but instant ramen didn't compare to some fresh and hot pizza. But her budget was, er...Pretty nonexistent. So with a sigh of indignation, she set herself to keeping an eye out. If nothing interesting happened soon, there was always more rooftops to hop...