[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/d01b3b76-785b-4a85-8ace-9d68b3bab411.png[/img][/center] [hr] Crystal nodded as appropriate while Castra spoke. The idea of machines that could fight the Void was fascinating to her, the sort of thing that would be in fiction, but might become real? She wanted to ask further about it, but couldn't find an opening to ask before [i]it[/i] happened. Castra mentioned his nephew and somehow got the idea that she wished to be dancing like the others, apparently not realizing she was abstaining by choice. She steeled herself for the inevitable introduction and likely dance she'd be forced to participate in. The game of life is harsh. As Castra looked around for his nephew, Crystal tried to find a way out by glancing towards her teammates, only to find them now all dancing with strangers. She couldn't tell if Selma and Rivka were toying with their partners or not, but Chie looked somewhat distressed. It seemed misery did, in fact, love company.