[img]https://i.imgur.com/KgWUQDD.png[/img] Blurb: Go-za is another johnny-come-lately that's decided to try his chances as a streamer. More specifically, as one of those virtual streamer types. However, his success has been limited due to the fact that he is not a cartoon girl with a cute voice. Rather, his avatar is totally not a pizza head clone with far more expressiveness. While playing games is fine and all, he has a thrill-seeking core that can't be sated with games. Unsure of how well this ghost-busting gig is gonna pay, he hatched the brilliant idea of streaming his gigs for subsidizing his ventures into spooky places with the pretext that it's good for publicity should it prove entertaining to gain a large enough audience. Notes: Not the actual name of the person, whose name I have not come up with yet. Go-Za is a contraction of Chicago deep-dish Pizza which he will argue is a real pizza. [@rocketrobie2] It's finally up :toot [@Dark Cloud] It's the opposite for me, where I keep putting it off by a day until way too much time has passed.