I figure this one has been a while coming. The premise is simple: we play as a tribe of kobolds who live in a series of caves underground. Details like an exact plot, specifics about the setting above ground, and other bits of world building can be done later. To keep it simple, here's what a player needs to know about the kobolds in this RP: - These are reptilian kobolds, not the traditional dog-like ones. As such, imagine lizard people who are digitigrade (toe-walking) with horns and a tail, standing about 3-4 feet tall. This image is a good reference: https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Kobold?file=Monster+Manual+5e+-+Kobold+-+p195.jpg - They live in caves and primarily work as miners, hunters, or food gatherers. The tribe in this RP is a few thousand strong and things may be getting overcrowded. There are no full-time warriors in the tribe per se, but the males are more or less expected to fight if there's trouble. Female kobolds are a bit smaller than the males, but being reptiles, they lack certain features, so to speak. This RP is public, meaning it's PG-13, so please take any "content" somewhere else. - The tribe has a chief and a shaman (the tribe's main cleric and one of the only spellcasters). Apart from a place to store food, a communal nest (the mother kobolds lay eggs but they are raised by a few chosen females instead of their parents), and some hot springs to bathe in, there aren't any areas I had in mind for the tribe. As they live in caves instead of built housing, it's hard to say whether they live in or have rooms or not. - The tribe has no armor, but they fight with spears, knives, slings, and yes, they know how to make and set traps. We can discuss specifics later. These kobolds wear little clothing, but they would have at least a loincloth on and at most, a set of robes. They don't use footwear but they might have body paint or jewelry, so those are viable options for a character if you like. Some use a vest and some shorts, or just shorts without the vest. And that's basically the premise. We can discuss roles, names, appearance, etc later. Before we get to any of that, is there anyone interested?