[hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=339933][center]Jade Cornish[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][center][img]https://s33.postimg.cc/euzs4s2qn/giphy.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] Jade considered the information that Thalia had brought to them and the choice seemed rather obvious. Yes, they had handled these three, but they weren't going to be enough against Magneto - not yet. Their best chance was to stick with the plan and attempt to rally other resistance forces. Even if those forces likely wouldn't be able to stop Magneto, they'd at least make decent cannon fodder and distractions, allowing them to hopefully take Magneto by surprise. They were all going to die in this mission, but it didn't matter. Jade wasn't doing this for herself - she was doing it for the children, the ones terrified and scared and feeling trapped inside this dead city. She was doing it for the kids elsewhere in the world too, ones whose future could be jeopardized if the government handed Magneto a few nukes for free. [color=339933]"Agreed. Going straight after Magneto would be a suicide mission right now - we can save the martyrdom for later, hopefully with more allies,"[/color] Jade said. Edus had a good head on his shoulders, as he had come to more or less the same conclusion she had. There was strength in numbers and they weren't going to have more than just one shot, maybe two if they were lucky, at getting this job done. Time was running out and they needed to act fast. [hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=cc33ff][center]Guinevere Stark[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][center][img]https://media1.giphy.com/media/E1TEkGUU8GnQNw7n2E/giphy.gif?cid=790b761171108bce843cb21602ae2f88491355033093008e&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img][/center][hr][hr] Guin bit her lip, hearing Lance explain that he couldn't move his legs - she felt like she had jinxed him. Maybe she shouldn't have asked him. Maybe it was all just in his head or he was in shock or something entirely reasonable like that. It really sucked that it was Lance that was injured though, as he was their main/only healer - and Guin didn't think he'd appreciate her shouting [i]physician, heal thyself![/i] at him. [color=cc33ff]"Okay, don't panic, we'll get you out of this,"[/color] Guin promised him. She couldn't lose him - she had already lost so much. She'd rather switch places with him and find out what happened when she died while in someone else's form - hopefully he would just live on as her. Guin's eyes darted around, spotting an abandoned shopping cart, the sort people pushed around grocery stores. Guin sprinted on over to it and grabbed the buggy, running with it back over to Lance. [color=cc33ff]"Okay, we're putting you inside the cart, it'll be easier to move you until you can heal yourself, kay?"[/color] Guin said, not really waiting to see how he felt about this plan before she knelt down and tried to lift him up, doing her best not to think about Sabretooth rampaging maybe ten feet away from them. She managed to start lifting Lance though, until her grip slipped and he fell from her grasp, hitting the ground. [color=cc33ff]"... At least you can't feel that, right?"[/color] She tried again, only to get the same result.