Devika chuckled, knowing Roxy was not really up for socialization. It was interesting how similar she and her mother were in that regard. "I don't know what we're going, actually." She said across the table to Roxy. "He won't tell me." Tim hung up his apron and grinned, opening a small drawer in the kitchen. "Today, we are going to - drumroll please - Wacky World!" He slapped a set of tickets on the kitchen table with all the enthusiasm of an old man with a winning domino hand. "Now, these are all day tickets, so we can arrive whenever you are ready. Roller coasters, twirly rides, Ferris wheels, popcorn, funnel cake, and the very dubious fried oreos. I can't wait! We haven't been since before Devika left!" Mara poked her head in, still waking but smiling vaguely despite that. "Roxy, if you were wondering, this is where Devika gets her morning cheer from. I will never understand you two." She leaned up to kiss her husband's cheek and retreated back to the living room. Devika was nearly in shock over the tickets. She knew Wacky World could get busy this time of year, and she wondered how well she would handle the crowds. Still, her father looked so pleased. She would hate to disappoint him. "Can't wait!"