[center][color=lightskyblue][h2]Rue[/h2][/color][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/466021461174386714/881581359594881024/rrrr.png[/img][/center] [center][color=lightskyblue][b]Time:[/b][/color] [color=lavender] Morning [color=lightskyblue][b]Location:[/b][/color] Inn by the Sea, Riverport [color=lightskyblue][b]Interaction:[/b][/color] [@Helo] Bowyn [color=lightskyblue][b]Equipment:[/b][/color] Small backpack, two knives, rations, water flask, hygiene products, [url=https://i.imgur.com/ESwqVza.jpg]new outfit[/url] [/color][/center][center] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/610964561553522698/610975307410964510/3388c70460524d0a49fb42fda3041dea_snow-divider-clipart-1-clip-art-vector-site-_709-132.png?width=400&height=44[/img][/center] [color=lavender]Rue studied Bowyn and remained quiet as he spoke. The awkwardness filled the air and threatened to suffocate them both. She took a deep breath to settle herself. He was here in front of her, talking to her, and wanting her company. It made a warmth rise inside of her unassociated with the Riverport weather. As he stuttered out an apology, she felt a pang of guilt. She was too naive and trusting; it was one of her weakest traits. Still, Rue couldn’t help but believe there was goodness inside of everyone and they deserved a chance. If they proved her wrong, then it was on them and not her. The world was tethering on the edge of war and would be more dangerous as time went on. She wondered if maybe the light elves had been kinder to the dark elves in the past, would they be in this position? She listened as he spoke and did not interrupt him. During his apology he was frozen and staring at the floor; then risked a glance at her. Once he had, he’d notice a kind smile on her face and understanding. A moment of silence; then he returned to breakfast. She moved a step closer to him and placed hand on his shoulder with the same warm smile she’d expressed earlier. [color=lightskyblue]”Your apology is accepted, but unneeded.”[/color] She told him quietly, glancing around to make sure they were alone, then settled on staring over the top of his head nervously. [color=lightskyblue]”You were right on the amas with your words. I’m sorry, too. I just.. I just think if there was more good in the world, then maybe there wouldn’t be a war on the horizon."[/color] She paused and took a deep breathe, then continued. [color=lightskyblue]”I think you're an exceptional company too. I know you’re not the same but I accept you.”[/color] Then she removed her hand and turned away shyly, unable to comment further. Her stomach rumbled and she giggled. [color=lightskyblue]”So yes. Breakfast.”[/color] Rue tapped her fingers on her arm and then grinned. [color=lightskyblue]”What about the Surfside Cafe? Oh it’d be nice to eat by the sea wouldn’t it!”[/color] Rue turned to him, excitement flushing through her face. [/color]