[Center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/28hFcDbZ/Rain-Header-2.png[/img][/center] [Color=silver][b]Location:[/b][/color] Submarine [Color=silver][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] Kila [@DClassified], Talon[hr] [color=goldenrod]“Once we’re all outside, it would likely be best to maneuver out of the ink cloud, less damage to the vehicle…and only prepare to use lethal force if [i]Mirage[/i] deems necessary.”[/color] Viktor looked down at Kila’s two fingers pressed against his chest. The action left zero doubt in anyone's mind who Kila was addressing when it came to following Kass’ orders. [color=silver]“Sure.”[/color] Viktor replied, watching the back of his teammate as he walked away. As commendable as Kila’s loyal support to his leaders was, Viktor found it to be a bit too much. Like over-seasoned meat or a glass filled up to the brim. He was briefly reminded of the events that occurred in Las Vegas. [color=silver][i]I shouldn’t be surprised that you would stick to the path presented to you by a superior.[/i][/color] Viktor turned back towards Talon as the team began to exit the submarine. [color=silver]“Talon, you should keep at the flank of the target. In case lethal force is deemed necessary.”[/color] Viktor said with a small twist in wording. [color=silver][i]I am not so conventional.[/i][/color] A low sigh escaped Talon as he felt he might have done that without Viktor’s unneeded suggestion. He felt like he would find himself arguing with the control freak soon enough about whether or not they should preemptively use the weapon systems. Kila’s verbal support of Kass gave Talon confidence in her plan and the feeling he’d be doing right by standing up to Viktor if it came to that. Once the valve on the outside was shut, the submarine arced around the giant squid so it could be clear of the ink and maintain a good firing position. [color=red]“Do you [i]have[/i] to hover over me?”[/color] Talon was already not fond of Viktor, but now the guy had become his [i]Coal[/i] of all things. He was sure Viktor would perch on his shoulder if he could. [color=silver]“No. It’s not required.”[/color] Viktor answered quickly as he watched things unfold through the nearest window. Talon turned his head slightly so he could shoot a glare at the cross-armed brooder standing over his shoulder. [color=red]“Then can you… go somewhere? I don’t think you can protect Dr. Bingley from here.”[/color] Talon turned back to the dashboard, enjoying the silence from Viktor’s lack of words. However, there were no footsteps to accompany the lack of words, which only meant he wasn't planning on leaving after all. [Color=silver]“Interesting… You actually bring up a fair point. I [i]can[/i] ensure Dr. Bingley’s safety from this location if I take into account your poor situational awareness in navigating this vessel thus far. Besides that and the fact that we do not enjoy each other's company, I believe we work well together. Me being here. In this spot. Ensures our team’s success.”[/color] Talon sighed again. [color=red]“I’m fine! You can’t tell me anything I don’t already know about the situation! And I’m not going to do anything that goes against what Kass ordered us to do!”[/color] Talon snapped, which didn’t seem to make Viktor react in the slightest. He just continued to observe his team out in the water while also listening in on comms. [color=silver]“False… I’m sure you just listened to Kass’ plan in repelling the creature. Do you know that it won’t work? And [i]when[/i] it doesn’t, there is a [b]high[/b] possibility you will be made to use lethal force… But let’s follow Kass’ instructions to the letter. Her confidence is there, but does she know her team as well as she believes she does?”[/color] [color=red]“You done?”[/color]