[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/211207/773787a4921e74bbb158a1779471847a.png[/img] [sup]Interaction: Anki [@Medili], Srikandi [@Izurich], Zavim [@Sanity43217] and Fei Bai Ho [@Shirly Swad][/sup][/center] [hr] As the group began fighting, it became clear to Catherine that even if the Kobolds swarmed at them, bringing a group even bigger in size, they wouldn't stand much of a chance. After Fei's kick, Anki was quick to act, immediately impaling three kobolds with earth magic. [color=ed1c24]"Oberian efficiency... It never fails to amaze me!"[/color] Catherine said with a chuckle as she watched the three kobolds that Anki had impaled tremble for a brief moment before stopping all movements. Unfortunately, for Catherine, the Kobolds did seem to be smarter than what Catherine initially thought. As Srikandi unsheathed her blade, challenging the leader once again, he immediately became aware of how hopelessly outmatched the rag-tag bunch of kobolds were against the adventurer's group, immediately ordering a hastily retreat. Catherine, who had just dashed towards a group of Kobolds, was currently holding a Kobold in the air, firmly grasping it's neck with one of her hands as the poor creature, who had let go of it's weapons due to the sudden, violent impact, not even being able to react due to Catherine's speed as she grabbed it, continued to struggle hopelessly on her hands she watched the rest of the kobolds to run. [color=ed1c24]"What?! We were just starting! Well... This was disappointing..."[/color] Catherine said, sighing as she suddenly tightened her grip on the kobold she was holding, crushing his throat with a sickly crunching noise before letting go of the kobold's now limp, dead corpse. [color=ed1c24]"Talk about an anticlimactic ending... Yeah, I'm fine. A bit annoyed, but fine."[/color] Catherine said as she took off her gloves and stored them again inside her overcoat. [color=ed1c24]"I do have a few things with me that can help with healing if anyone gets hurt though."[/color] she said as she looked to the rest of the group.