[center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/7e/2e/0f/7e2e0f9bb97b74fa4a0765f2d4a7f51e.jpg[/img] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjg4LmIwZWM5MS5Ubmx0Y0dnLjA/nebulo.demo.png[/img][/center] [color=Lightgreen][b]Location:[/b][/color] Atlantic Ocean [color=Lightgreen][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] Mirage [hr] Daphne kept her guard up, her eyes locked on the giant squid. It was frightening to be up against something that size. She followed its every move and glanced at the positions of her team mates. They had to do something but she was worried they would get hurt. Mirage seemed to believe they could face it together. She grew up in the ocean and trusted her confidence. [color=orange]"Nymph, there’s kelp below us, nice and strong, I need you to request its help in tying up the squid.”[/color] Daphne turned to Mirage who was focused on the enemy and nodded. [color=Lightgreen]"I'm on it!"[/color] The ball of water hit the squid in the eye. The animal recoiled and whipped its tentacles into the direction of Mirage. It successfully diverted its attention from the submarine, but it was now targetting Mirage. It released another cloud of ink, feeling threatened. With their enemy distracted Daphne swam down into the kelp forest. She needed to act quick, otherwise their entire plan was doomed. Daphne took a deep breath and transformed. After the transformation she took off her gloves to free up her hands. She glanced up to get the position of the squid. Daphne was worried she wouldn't be able to quiet her mind and hear the plants. She took another deep breath and gently enclosed a strand of kelp in her palms. For a while there was just silence until she heard a faint breathing sound, or more like singing. It sounded distant and somehow all around her at the same time. [color=Lightgreen]"Hello..?"[/color] [color=Lightgreen][i]Nothing....[/i][/color] Daphne felt discouraged and released the kelp. This had to work, the Team needed her help. She swam around a little to a denser part of the forest. The kelp completely surrounded her and she pulled a strand and held it to her ear. At this point she was willing to try anything. All she heard was the same singing sound, it didn't even sound like something she could remotely understand. [color=Lightgreen][i]It wasn't working... She couldn't do it...[/I][/color] As much as she tried she couldn't focus. She was too worried about the Team being in danger. The fear distracted her. [color=Lightgreen]"Mirage...it's not working, I can't hear them"[/color] Daphne said sounding disappointed. Daphne looked around her. The kelp swayed calmly in the water, completely unbothered by the battle above them. She pushed past her negative feelings. There were other ways she could use her powers. All she needed was some sunshine and confidence. She swam back to her Team. [color=Lightgreen]"I have a plan, but I need Brightheart to give me some of her sunlight If I can get sunlight I can grow out my vines and tie up the parts you asked me to. The downside is that would tie me to the squid too."[/color]